25 - THE END

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After Zayn found out about us, my parents invited Louis' parents and Louis for dinner. Then I had a Halloween party. We had so much fun. After that I had to leave for tour. I haven't seen Louis for like 2 months, we FaceTime everyday and I miss him so much. I miss his smile and the way I could make him laugh with my shitty jokes.

He has become friends with my crew and my friends. They love him and that makes me happy.

It's Louis' birthday today. I am planning on surprising him.

Zayn is going to pick me up from the airport and take me to the flower shop.



"Ughhh" Maya groans. " we have been in the mall for like 3 hours and you still want to buy clothes?? You don't get tired Tommo?"

Currently I'm at the mall with Maya.

"Oh shut up, I haven't bought that muc- awww what a cute hoodie. I want it."

"You have like a hundred hoodies." Maya rolls her eyes.

"No I don't."

She gives me the 'I don't believe you' looks.

"Okay yeah maybe but this one is fluffy.


"It's getting late" Zayn says looking at his watch. "Let's go to my place and watch some Netflix."

"that'd be a great idea"

We walk out of the store and towards the car. We get in the car and he drives us to his house. When he parks in front of the house, I get a weird feeling. Like something is up.

"SURPRISE!!!" a bunch of people scream as soon as we open the door.

I see all my friends and there's Anne (Marie) -I'm not surprised that she's here, we've become friends- but I'm surprised Jeff is here.

Isn't he supposed to be with Harry on tour?

"Happy birthday weirdo" Liam smiles holding a cake.

"Something's missing" Niall puts his thumb on his chin as if he was thinking.

"I know" Maya jumps from behind him. She takes a piece of melted chocolate that is on the cake. I try to run away but Zayn holds me from behind as she places it all over my nose and cheeks.

She starts laughing and I take a chance to do the same. Aha! Never mess with the Tommo.

Then suddenly rings the doorbell.

"The real surprise just arrived." Zayn says.

I look, at him confused and he moves his shoulders up.

I walk towards the door and open it. I gasp when I see Harry standing in front of me, a smile on his face. A teddy bear in his hands and  a bouquet of roses.

"Oh My God....."

"You really thought I'd miss your birthday baby?"

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him. He hugs me back. "Are you crying?" He asks me not letting go of me. I nod my head whispering 'I missed you' in his ear.

He kisses me on the cheek "I've missed you too." He kisses me on my shoulder and them my forehead.

"Hey lovebirds, we understand that you miss each other but we all want to eat some cake right now." Niall yells.

We all laugh and let go of each other.


I'm talking with Harry when I hear the others cheering.
"they are playing truth or dare! Let's go play with them." I say and get up from the couch.

Harry holds my hand and pushes me back down but I end up sitting on his laps.

"Oh come on. It's going to be fun!" I tell him and try to get up but he doesn't let go of me.

"Fine but kiss me first" He says. I smile and kiss as he pulls me closer.

We then get up and walk to where the others are sitting. "HARRY!" Anne (Marie) yells. "It's your turn, so truth or dare?"

"Dare" Harry says and takes a sip from his drink.

Anne (Marie) smirks. "I dare you to get on that table and twerk.

We all burst out laughing. This girl is hilarious, I love her so much for that.

"There's no way I doing that." Harry says. Everybody start cheering and shouting his name. Even I start to shout his name.

After a few minutes, he final,y decides to get up and stand on the table. "I don't even know how to twerk"

"Just shake your ass up and down" I shout.

He smirks. "Oh really? Come and show me how"

"Nah! I'm good amd it's your dare."

"Ugh! I can't believe I'm doing that." I hear him say under his breath. As soon as he turns his back I take my phone and start recording it. He starts twerking and I record it. He stops when he sees me. He stares at me and starts walking towards me. I immediately post it on my Instagram story.

"delete it." He demands.


"baby I love you but if you don't delete it I swear to god-"

"No I'm not deleting it. Its such a good memory."

He stares at me for some seconds  and something inside of me tells me to run ao I run and so does he. But of course he is faster than me so he catches me and throws me over his shoulders. He puts me down and starts tickling me. His fingers start moving over my body as I laugh harder and harder. "H'HARRY STOP-P" I yell while laughing.

"Say you're sorry!!" Harry says.

"S-Sorry for what?" I keep laughing as he strandles me.

"For posting that video."

"Never " I yell. Tears pickling in my eyes. "It's hilarious"

"As you wish" He says and his fingersstarg moving over my body father.

"FINE! Fine I-I'm sorry" He lets go of me "Oh gosh I can't breathe anymore."

My phone starts buzzing like crazy. What's happening??
I look at my phone and then at Harry with confusion.

"I may have posted a photograph of us kissing and told my fans that you're mine..." Harry runs his hands through his hair nervously.

"So, it's official?"I ask him with a smile.

"It's official." He smiles back "I love you baby"

"I love you too"

He then pulls me into a passionate kiss.

~  END  ~

OMG!  It's the end!

I enjoyed writing this story alot.

Thank you so much for reading this.

I published a new story today named 'my professor.'
It's a short story with only 4 chapters.
I hope you'd like that book too!


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