Chapter 17

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A/N:  So, I am going to throw a bunch of info at you in this chapter, which makes it the longest chapter up to date.  Don't feel overwhelmed like you have to remember any of the new terms, because I will be mostly using terms more familiar after this.  I just wanted to add some language flair to the story.  

5506 words (see? long.)

Posted 10/1/21

I look at myself in the mirror above the bathroom vanity and admit to myself

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I look at myself in the mirror above the bathroom vanity and admit to myself. I'm guilty. I'm totally guilty. Yeah, in this case though I don't feel like I am also a victim due to my own guilt.

I can totally own up to the fact that I definitely cuddled with Jungkook while he was in his rabbit form far longer than I should have. I couldn't help it though. From his wide round purple eyes to his cute whiskery twitchy nose. I was immediately a goner, and I had no problem owning up to that fact (at least in my own mind).

The truth is, I had a huge fondness for furry pets, especially of the smaller variety. It was mostly regarding dogs, cats, and bunnies, but I did also like some of the more exotic creatures like sugar gliders and hedgehogs.

It was a fondness that was left unchecked and immediately ran rampant when Jungkook shifted into his cute bunny form. I could only blame it on the fact that I was never allowed to have any pets of my own as I grew up. It wasn't actually the fact that my parents wouldn't allow me to have one. No, the problem was that my mom was exceptionally allergic to all kinds of pet dander. She of course knew there were hypoallergenic pets out there, but she wasn't willing to go to the effort of researching the idea more thoroughly to choose a specific breed she would prefer. Or at least that was how I understood it. It could have something to do with the price tag that came with the pet in question also, after all purebred pets are not cheap. I honestly think I read somewhere that they could cost anywhere between $400 to $3500.

After Jungkook left the room, I was finally able to regain my composure and remind myself that we were planning on watching a couple of movies tonight. So, I mentally started compiling a list of possible options in that regard. I open up a notepad application on my phone, and after I type up five titles on it I realize that all of my choices were reflective of the topic I am most curious about. They all involve either fantasy creatures and humanoids that I would typically associate with being Fae, or they are creatures and humanoids that I now know to be Fae. So what creatures in these movies could be real? How many of them are pure fiction? I already know that elves sort of are, but is there also a race closer related to elves that the sidhe? I unintentionally start composing a mental tally and groan to myself as I realize the list of creatures I am curious about could go on endlessly. So, instead of focusing on multiple movies I divert my attention solely to the movie adaptations of Tolkien's Middle-Earth: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I'm sure we won't have time to watch them all tonight, but that is only half of my plan at this point. I evolved my original plan to also include an in depth conversation about the races and creatures of Middle-Earth first, and comparing their existence to those of their own world. Hell. Do the Fae live in another parallel realm like this one? Well, I guess I just added another question to the heap of ones that I already have.

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