Chapter 23

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A/N:  Well, here's where I have to share that I am still behind on LoD.  I'm sorry about that.  But on the positive side the past three days I have been on a creative streak.  I've been working on revamping Alluvion's Water Lily, which is the OC story that is based off of Encoded in Our DNA.  I've managed to write and rework fifteen chapters during this week.  So that fact had me making a new plan.  Basically I am going to be swapping weeks on what I work on writing.  One week it may be Alluvion's Water Lily, but the next will be Legion of Dionysus, and perhaps the following after that I may go back to Alluvion's Water Lily, or work on a third project.  What I am trying to say, but being long winded about, is that I have a plan.  I still want to be at least 10 chapters ahead in Legion of Dionysus before I go back to posting it every other week, and if not that than 15 chapters ahead.  

The things that are slowing me down?  

Well, I've finally learned part of my medical issues regarding essentially my whole right arm from shoulder down to my fingers (I am right handed by the way).  I had an MRI on Wednesday and apparently there is a tear in my tendon.

I also tend to forget that I get winter depression.  Part of the reason for the creative spurt was because March 1st really did feel like a spring day, and I legitimately felt my good mood snap back in place.  My arm was also cooperating so I wasn't having many problems sitting at the PC for multiple hours at a time.  (Well, I say that but I was feeling it later on.)

Also, of course the medical issues do slow me down a bit.  

But I promised this chapter the first week of March, and I don't renege on the promises that I am able to keep.  So here is the chapter, and I am sorry for the wait.  


This time while I am in the shower I have something else I can think about aside from their gorgeous bodies, although that train of thought is literally only a parallel track away; my brain would just literally have to switch gears

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This time while I am in the shower I have something else I can think about aside from their gorgeous bodies, although that train of thought is literally only a parallel track away; my brain would just literally have to switch gears. No, this time while I am shampooing my hair I am trying to figure out what Hoseok might be about to share with me.

The only thing I really know regarding his Fae side is that he can use some sort of orb of light magical ability, as well as one that apparently causes damage. I've seen the first, and I only know of the second due to their telepathic discussion regarding their plan of attack. I try to not focus on the gutter joke he made that night as well regarding his 'special orbs.'

There was also something puzzling regarding the fact that I didn't hear him in the pool just a little bit ago. Instead I kept hearing each of the others' voices and at least one of them in stereo. Heck, I think I even heard Yoongi's voice one of the times although I know that he got out of the pool before we actually started playing the game.

Yeah. I'm most definitely completely baffled. So, trying to decipher it on my own isn't really a good idea. I know that it will only make me frustrated that I can't figure out the puzzle. I have to admit that I do like a good mystery, but I definitely have my limits regarding finding the answers for myself. I can't even get a rubix cube to line up properly without taking the stickers off and moving them around!

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