8: Home Meeting

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Ellie couldn't help but gape at the presence of the young man on the other side.

He was by no means stunningly tall, perhaps a fair bit above average, yet he stood imposingly as though towering over her, his face pitifully blank and devoid of any sign of greeting. The clothes he wore weren't exactly sloppily chosen, but were in a shabby condition as though he hadn't changed out of them in weeks. It was presentable, yet not presentable.

He gazed down upon her with that blank, unwavering face, making no attempt to speak or introduce himself, though oddly enough, she didn't get the feeling he was trying to be rude.

She stopped gaping and shook her head as though trying to snap out of a trance. She had been struck dumb, not out of fear, but out of sheer astonishment.

"Erm, can I help you?" she said sharply, eyes narrowed. She felt wary around this man, and funnily enough, had completely forgotten that she was wearing a suit of armour made entirely out of bin lids.

"Hello." he said. It was only a single word, but it seemed to drag on forever, his strained voice carrying every syllable as though he was reading aloud from a particularly hard to follow script.

Despite that, Ellie couldn't help but think his voice sounded, oddly enough, quite cool.

There seemed to be an impressive sort of echo to it, a sort of reverb. As though he was speaking through an invisible helmet.

"Hi," came a warm voice from behind Ellie. Dora had placed a hand on the front door from behind her little sister and pushed the door, which had cautiously been minimally opened, open all the way. "Come in, they're waiting for you."

"What happened to your hair?" said the boy.

"Never you mind."

"I'm not alone." the boy said, once again in that stretched out tone of voice.

As though stepping out of nowhere at all, a second man had appeared behind the first, this one much older, with long greying hair stopping short at the base of his neck, and dressed in a bright blue suit and green tie that appeared to be too bright and silly for such a stoic faced old man.

"Ah, Mr Minister..." Dora said uncertainly, trailing off. "I was unaware you'd be accompanying him..."

"Someone had to." grunted the brightly dressed old man. Unlike the boy's voice, this man's was curt and short. A very business like tone about it.

"Yes, but Minister this was to be more of a..." Dora trailed off before stopping and looking down as though only just realising Ellie was there. "Take those silly things off, Ellie, and go upstairs. Play on your GameBoy or something."

Ellie was felt the need to comply, deciding to pass this up as merely an adult moment that a child such as herself didn't need to get involved with, and just as she and Dora backed away from the entrance to make way for the two men letting themselves in, a blur of white zipped through Ellie's legs from behind and stopped at the younger man's feet.

Coconut, whom never warmed up to strangers immediately, was twirling around the legs of the H/C haired boy as though simply ecstatic to see him. The cat was by no means leaping for joy or running round in circles, but for the normally aloof and indifferent icy white cat, the mere act of twirling around legs was the equivalent of a dog showering its owner with kisses.

Ellie had always been Coconut's favourite out of herself and Dora, and since they had moved into Dora's parents place the cat had since been promptly ignoring the two somewhat amused adults. Even so, Coconut rarely even showed Ellie this level of affection.

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