11: The Smell Of Y/N

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"Surprise, Lovegood!" came a sneering voice from within the Ravenclaw common room as Luna answered the riddle the magic knocker enquired from her.

With a mighty shove, a sixth-year Ravenclaw girl pushed Luna out of the door just as it opened. The older girl, and a few other sixth and seventh years then proceeded to roughly undo her shoelaces, ripped the shoes off Luna's feet and scrambled back into the Ravenclaw common room. There was a resounding click behind as the sniggering girls disappeared behind the door.

Her hair rustled and splayed across her face, and her feet curling in protest against the cold stone floor, Luna slowly got back up to her feet and tapped the magical knocker.

Instead of asking her a riddle as it normally did, the beak of the eagle shaped knocker opened and there was a loud, resounding farting noise. Luna could hear the giggles from the girls on the other side, no doubt pressing their ears to the door to hear her desperately trying to get back into the common room.

Luna felt a rush of nostalgia as she slid down again the wall and sat down on the floor, hugging he knees.

She hadn't been bullied so badly ever since her third year. Of course, she had met Y/N in her second, and he finally learnt the severity of how she was treated by her fellow Ravenclaws in her third year, when Penelope Clearwater left the school and was no longer able to help her.

Luna had what some people would call a heart of solid gold. Too pure and too sweet for this world. When she had first joined Hogwarts and had been sorted into Ravenclaw, she assumed that the sealing of the Ravenclaw common room had simply been the Eagle getting a bit confused, and would good naturedly find an empty classroom to sleep in.

She was rather surprised that with the amount of times she had to resort to sleeping in an unused classroom, Mr Filch had never found her. It never once occurred to her that the vile man had found her a few times, but never stopped her due to the satisfaction of seeing a student being ostracised, and being forced to sleep uncomfortably in a cold class on the hard wood floor.

It wasn't until the bullying became much more explicit and obvious that Luna realised that the Eagle shaped knocker was, in fact, being charmed to lock her out.

Since that day in her third year, however, when Y/N came rushing to her rescue against two older Ravenclaw girls, she found that every single Ravenclaw had begun to leave her alone. It was well known now that Luna was a friend of his, and the news of his dismantling of the two Ravenclaw bullies had spread. No one wanted to mess with Luna anymore for fear of incurring Y/N L/N's wrath. It was somewhat ironic that he had done a better job of protecting her than Penelope, a prefect, had been able to.

But the bullying had started once again nearing the end of her fourth year. When Y/N decided to leave. Not discreetly either. He had announced his departure and intentions to the entire school.

It had almost been instantaneous. The night Y/N left, Luna had been immediately pounced on by her old bullies as they remorselessly resumed their antics. Like animals starved of their fun, the jeering laughter returned, as well as trips in the halls, theft of her items, and locking her out of the common room.

So much for Houses being a your family, as Professor McGonagall so adamantly insisted.

Reporting it to a teacher wasn't an option either, it never was. In her first year, when Penelope had first learned of how the other Ravenclaws treated her - she had reported it to Flitwick, who took the perpetrators aside and berated them.

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