31: Conflict

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In a room within Hogwarts that was not unlike any of the dormitories in the student common rooms, the stone walls were flooded with golden-red light from the sunset outside it's single, yet enormous window. A pair of hands pushed it open from the outside and stumbled into the room.

Y/N, having returned to his Hogwarts quarters, paused for a moment before leaning against the wall, slowly sliding down into a sitting position, his head down.

He expected Dumbledore to resume attacking him once Malfoy had been dealt with, and in some cases, he would have preferred such an outcome. However, that was far from the case. Dumbledore had done nothing but stare at Malfoy's unmoving body, his facial expression the epitome of shock. His mouth agape, hardly believing his eyes. His eyes had then returned to Y/N, but this time falling upon the firearm he held. Then, Albus Dumbledore took a few steps back.

It was unnerving. Seeing the Headmaster, usually so powerful, calm, and exuding a presence of wisdom, in this moment frozen with shock, denial and even fear.

Albus Dumbledore was fearful of such a weapon.

Wordlessly Dumbledore had then flicked his wand, levitating the body of Malfoy into the castle walls, the gates opening for him without need for command. He did not spare Y/N a second glance.

Y/N had been faring no better. He could feel the eyes of every student from the viaduct above him, they too, frozen, and unable to comprehend exactly what they had just witnessed.

Good. Thought Y/N, still sitting against the wall of his quarters. They should fear Muggle weaponry.

But against all his better judgement, he could feel doubts creep into his head. He held up the pistol and inspected it. His hand was still aching from the recoil. It hadn't been like the rifle, which was bigger and was held with both hands. This felt more like the skin on his hand been ripped clean off.

He was always so quick to point out the problems within wizarding society. But he rarely pondered on the fact that Muggles were no better. Guns were responsible for almost every modern muggle tragedy in the world. They were destructive, cold, and mechanical weapons that hindered only on the will of the person holding it. Its only limiter being the finger on the trigger. Many innocents had lost their lives due to British colonisation, unable to defend themselves. All because of guns. The native Americans had lost their own country to the Brits. All because of guns. Good, upstanding young men had been forced into two World Wars and were now traumatised for life. All because of guns.

Was introducing these cold weapons truly a good idea for wizardkind? If he followed through with this plan, how many future calamities within the wizarding world would fall upon his shoulders? How many lives lost from trigger-happy wizards be lost due to him?

Was this dream of merging muggles and wizards into one flourishing society worth it? Would it truly solve the problems he was trying to fix? Or would it simply create more?

Was this a good idea?

There was a sharp knock on his door. He raised his head, tearing his eyes away from the pistol.

There was a clack as he undid the lock and opened the door. Hermione, Neville and Ron stood on the other side, each looking looking anxious.

"Hey." said Y/N.

Ron's eyes flew to the gun in his hand. Hastily he pocketed it.

Hermione's eyes seemed to shine as they analysed him. He felt incredibly exposed as though she was looking at him with x-ray vision. "We're coming in." she said eventually.

Y/N wordlessly moved to the side to allow them access. They shuffled in, Ron hesitating only a little.

"What's going on with the school?" Y/N asked, as he and Hermione sat on his bed, and Ron and Neville taking a seat a respective armchair.

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