Chapter Five

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Beomgyu's POV:

"Let's go look at the room," I say as Akari looks at me.

"Okay," She says continuing to look at me.

I grab her hand and start walking.

"Beomgyuuuuu, slow down! I have short legs and yours are so long, I can't walk as fast as you," She whines, tripping along after me.

"But you walk slowwww," I say stopping and turning around to look at her.

"No I don't," She answers.

"Yeah you do, I'll just give you a piggy back ride," I say.

"How am I even supposes to get on your back when your so tall?" She asks.

"I'm not that tall, your just short," I say laughing. I point at a chair, "Now go stand on that chair and when I get over there wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist."

She walks over to the chair and stands on it so I make my way over there. I feel her arms around my neck and once she's wrapped her legs around me too I'm surprised at how light she is.
I walk to the room and start to unlock the door, I felt her start to climb off my back.

"I'll be right back," She says and then walks away before I could say anything.

As one minute became ten, and ten became twenty, I started to get worried. When twenty minutes had became twenty-five I heard a scream coming from outside. It sounded like it was coming from the rooftop. I ran out of the room, up several flights of stairs put to the rooftop. I opened the door and what I saw terrified me.

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