part 2

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Rachel was in a dark room she couldn't see a thing but she could still feel its eyes on her stalking her like pray. She could here its ragged breathing in and out. She couldn't move she was paralyzed like a fly in a in a spiders web, frozen. she let out a small whimper as it began to walk closer. Tears streamed down her face burning her cheeks as they trailed down her face. Its long nails dragged along the cement ground and as its breathing got closer. Now all she. could do is wait to become its meal its pray.

Rachel woke screaming and tears running down her face. Her body shaking as if been electrocuted but she was ice cold her face pale.

Rachel's parents ran into her room rushing to there daughters side. "sweet heart, whats wrong?" her mother asked as she rubbed her daughters arm soothingly while her dad held her hand. Rachel lifted her shaking hand and whiped away the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Just a dream she thought to herself, just a horrible dream. "It was just a nightmare" Rachel said her voice shaky. Her dad ruffled her hair "you gonna be alright kiddo?" he asked still worried. "Ya I'm alright" she yawned as she began to feel tired her muscles relaxing and her eyelids getting heavy. She lay back down on her bed "goodnight" she said to her parents as they quietly made their way out of her room closing the wooden door behind them. Just a dream she repeated in her head until her eyelids closed and she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Rachel yawned as she stretched out on her white bed sheets that were tangled around her feet. Turning her head to see what time it was. happy it was Saturday and she got to sleep in. It was around 1:00 pm. wow she thought to her self she had slept through lunch and breakfast.

She walked lazily to the washroom taking a shower and getting dressed. Hopping down the stairs she already knew her parents had gone to work just like every other morning so she knew would have the house to herself.

Pulling open the kitchen cumbered and pulling out a bowl of cereal she froze when she heard the long scratching noise coming from the kitchen door as the room grew cold.

The bowl dropped from her hands smashing into pieces as the breath of the creecher blew across her neck, it was behind her. The creacher from the dream she thought. She let out a scream feeling like she did in her nightmare frozen. As soon as the ear piercing scream left her mouth everything stopped. The room was back to its original temperature and the breathing on her neck had disapeard leaving her shaking.

she felt a sticky substance on her foot and looked down to see what it was. running up her ankle she had a short but deep cup from wair a peice of the porcelain bowl had cut into her. Blood was dripping from the cut and dripped down her foot. "shit!" she said as she ran to the washroom to get the first aid kit and clean and bandage the cut.

With a shaky hand Rachel cleaned the blood and put some disifectint on it then gently placed a bandage over the wound. The terrorfying event replayed over in her head. Did i just imagine it? she thought to her self.

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