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DARKNESS surrounded the small, yet tidy bedroom

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DARKNESS surrounded the small, yet tidy bedroom. The only light inside - the lit-up screen of a phone. Its glow softly illuminated your puzzled features as you pulled it closer. You had been stuck on the same page for the last ten minutes, carefully threading through it with such cautious care.

Naruto Uzumaki's profile.

Unlike yourself, he didn't have a lot of pictures posted. Besides the very short and very direct bio, there wasn't much for a pair of wondering eyes - such as your own - to be satisfied by. You tapped onto the last picture he had posted, making sure not to like it by accident.

He had already caught you stalking once, after all. The least you could do was try not to repeat the same mistake again.

Tap!, and the image came into view. You could feel the corners of your lips twitch upward at the sight of it.

A sweet photo when he was young, the typical 'throwback Thursday'. It was the only one that had his face on it, and even at that, it was posted nearly two years ago.

Naruto sure had been one adorable kid - that you couldn't deny. The grin was so wide that it took up most of his face, the corners of his eyes crinkling in pure childish joy. You found it hard to imagine him wearing that very same grin as an adult.

Come to think of it, you never actually did see him smile; not even once. The thought saddened you for some reason.

With a deep and tiring sigh, you closed the app and turned the screen off with one simple click. As your head finally hit the softness of your pillow, your thoughts scattered all over. They stumbled messily inside your mind, rolling over one after another.

There was something about Naruto Uzumaki that pulled you in from the very start. He proved to be a challenge, and you knew yourself too well to be able resisting one. He was complex and the feeling of curiosity for him dug deep since day one, making your stomach twist with an unfamiliar sensation. You wouldn't exactly call it a pleasant one, and yet...

You wanted; no, you needed to figure him out.

With that settled, you were quick at turning onto your side. Now, you unlocked your phone once more. Before you could even give it a second thought, you typed away with such determination, before stopping yourself with a freezing halt. The tip of your finger carefully traced the send button as you eyed it with caution.

Should I?

Ah, fuck it.

You pressed it. Message delivered! ✔


September 9th, 10:24PM


Hi, Naruto! (~˘▾˘)~


You stared at the screen with a racing heart, barely even remembering to blink or take a much needed inhale. A minute passed. And another. You were just about to give up and scold yourself for actually trying when;

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