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'' Bibi! ''
Mi smiled running after her papa ,, hoseok
'' Bibi?! ''
Hoseok frowned
'' You naughty baby bird. ''

Yoongi watched the two and smiled ,, they were in the shared backyard of thier landlord ,, a few footsteps approached the happy family

It was jimin ,, he was hesitant at first but smiled
'' Oh ,, hello not to disturb you sir but ''
hoseok looked at jimin and smiled
'' Hello ! ''

Jimin smiled back nervously ,, he looked at the kid and ran to her '' Hello there! '' he smiled widely '' What's your name ,, I am sorry! I just love kids so much ,, I always wanted to adopt one with joo–''

yoongi huffed
'' Okay? her name is mimi ,, now please get away. ''
Hoseok frowned
'' kitten be nice and apologize. ''

Yoongi's eyes widened and he turned red
' kitten!? '

He gulped and mumbled
'' sorry. ''

Jimin grinned

'' someone's falling huh? I mean haha ,, your kid is cute! ''

Baby | Sope , Yoonseok , hopega , subi aWhere stories live. Discover now