Temptation in a leather jacket (JP)

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Why was Alec here? Not just here as in the dorm common room, but here as in standing-right-next-to-him, smiling at him with that full mouth, his dimples peeking out from under dark stubble.

JP hugged his arms tighter to his chest, trying to ward off memories of last weekend. Alec had to be thinking about it, too, but Alec's thoughts had always been impossible for JP to read. They shared a class again this semester and, over the last two months, JP had seen Alec smile the same quiet, ironic smile when Professor Montgomery complimented him on being the best student in the art department and when Professor Montgomery's replacement-greasy-haired, scowling Professor Wink-called him a disgrace.

JP had heard some rumors that Alec, once the star of the art department, was slipping. And there were other rumors, too-that Alec and Rand were on the rocks, or even already broken up, though they were still living together. JP had watched all of this from the sidelines, wishing he could help. But he, of all people, couldn't help Alec-or, at least, not with Rand.

Silent seconds ticked past.

"So," Alec said, tapping his fingers on the edge of the foosball table. "What did you think of that assignment for Wink?"

"I mean, it's definitely useful?" JP had done three studies so far of Professor Wink's alarmingly realistic human skeleton, which Wink called Minnie and treated like a beloved pet. "I have a couple of scenes in my graphic novel that will be easier to draw now," JP added. He bit his lip, chagrined. Alec didn't want to hear about his dorky graphic novel. Or, worse, what if Alec assumed it was an anime? Almost everybody did, even though JP was Chinese, not Japanese, and, for that matter, was born and raised in Connecticut.

"What's it about?" Alec asked.

"It's a sci-fi," JP said reluctantly. "And there's a scene coming up where they find an old battlefield on a deserted planet, so... skeletons."

Alec brightened. "Sounds awesome."

"Oh-you don't-it's not like, good. I'm not a good artist, like you are."

"What?" Alec straightened up from the foosball table, frowning. "That's bullshit. I've seen your work. It's fantastic."

Alec had noticed his work? They didn't sit anywhere near each other, and Alec never spoke during the class's weekly critiques.

"You've got goosebumps," Alec said, his gaze falling to JP's arms.

"I don't think they bother heating this room," JP admitted. "Plus I locked myself out like, seriously, hours ago. At least two hours."

"You were sitting here in the dark for two hours?" Alec said, his eyebrows raising. "That's the worst thing I've ever heard."

JP laughed ruefully. "I've had worse weekends." Last weekend sprang immediately to mind, when JP, in a drunken stupor, had leaned in close, so close, breathing in Alec's scent and admiring the way his stubble fell across the strong lines of his throat-

"Here." Alec shucked off his leather jacket, revealing the white, long-sleeved thermal underneath. He tossed the jacket onto the foosball table between them. "Take this."

"I can't wear your jacket," JP said, shocked.

"Sure you can," Alec said.

JP reached out and touched the soft, fine-grain leather, still warm from Alec's body. JP was genuinely cold-these last couple hours had been like sitting in a meat locker. A dark one, full of spiders. But that wasn't why he wanted to wear it. It was because Alec always wore this jacket; along with his styled hair, cigarettes, and white shirts, Alec reminded JP of a modern-day greaser. Touching something so iconically Alec's sent a thrill through JP's body.

Succumbing to temptation, JP picked it up and slid it on. Alec was a couple inches taller than JP, and lankier, but JP didn't mind the way the leather hugged his shoulders and biceps and brushed against his hips.

"Looks good on you," Alec said, his light eyes uncharacteristically serious.

"Thanks," JP whispered. Alec looked like he meant it-but that, JP reminded himself, was just how Alec was. That was why every gay guy on campus-and plenty of frustrated straight girls-lusted after him. When he looked at you, you felt like the only person who'd ever mattered. That was how it all went so wrong last weekend.

JP been drunk-so drunk-but he still remembered every second with agonizing clarity: he'd leaned in for the kiss, certain Alec was into him. But instead of moving in towards JP, Alec had jerked backwards, his eyes widening. Beer sloshed out of Alec's solo cup all over JP's chuck taylors, while JP, off-balance, lurched to the side, throwing out a hand in a panic and barely managing to catch himself against the wall. The impact reverberated through his stomach. The next thing JP knew, he was vomiting into a trashcan. When he finally managed to look up, Alec was gone.

After a disaster of that magnitude, JP had expected Alec to avoid him until graduation, or, worse, mock him. Instead, Alec was here and giving him his jacket and looking at JP the same way he'd looked at him last weekend, pre-disaster, and it was driving JP up a freaking wall.

He had to ask Alec about it. He couldn't go on like this.


The door clicked open, and Taylor, JP's RA, strolled inside with glitter paint all over his face. "Hey, guys," Taylor said, with a languid wave. If he was surprised at seeing JP and Alec together-or at JP wearing Alec's jacket-he didn't show it.

"Good party?" Smiling, Alec nodded at the glitter paint.

"Pretty good." Taylor shrugged, crossed the room, and pressed the button for the elevator. "How're things going over here?"

"Good," Alec said, just as JP said, "I locked myself out of my room again."

Good? JP thought, glancing at Alec.

Taylor chuckled. "You locked yourself out again, JP? You going for the world record, or what?"

"Yeah." JP sighed. "Seems like it."

"Well, let me grab my keys. You two can come on up to my floor with me."

"That's not-" But before JP could correct Taylor, Alec reached across the foosball table and touched JP's hand. Sparks shot up JP's skin.

"Can I see your graphic novel?" Alec asked quietly.

"You want to?" The words came out in a breathless rush. Why would Alec want to see that? What did it all mean?

JP was going to lose his mind-but, he told himself, at least this way he could talk to Alec about last weekend in the privacy in his own room, instead of a common room where they might be interrupted at any moment.

"Okay," JP managed. "Come on up."

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