I can do this (JP)

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They aren't together. They've been broken up for months.

Alec hadn't meant to dodge him.

JP's world pulsed in and out of focus. Alec hadn't meant to dodge him. The revelation was epic, mind-boggling.

Alec stood, swiping a hand through his hair. "I should go. Sorry to... bother you."

"You aren't," JP said at once, closing the space between them and grasping Alec's cool fingers. "You could never bother me."

Alec shook his head slowly, his face pained.

"You don't believe me?" JP said softly. "What did Rand do to you?"

"It's not really about Rand anymore."

"Tell me, then." JP drew the other boy in even closer, until they stood only inches apart. Alec was trembling, and JP felt himself trembling, too. He threaded his fingers through Alec's, until Alec's broad knuckles were flush against his own.

Alec squeezed JP's hand back lightly, but he didn't speak. JP had to say it-before JP went crazy. I can do this, he told himself, praying he was right.

"Last weekend," JP croaked, steeling himself, "I wanted to kiss you, because-because I like you," he said in a rush. "I know I'm... ridiculous. And totally neurotic. And afraid of spiders. But I think you're amazing, and Rand never deserved you. I'm not saying I deserve-"

"JP," Alec breathed, his eyes wide. "Of course you deserve me."

JP's heart gave a painful squeeze. Even he couldn't misunderstand Alec's expression. Not this time. Before he could second-guess himself, he leaned forward, cupped Alec's jaw in one hand, and kissed him on the lips. Alec's breath caught; his lips softened immediately under JP's, and then Alec-Alec freaking Chase-kissed JP back. Alec's mouth was hot and urgent. The scratch of his stubble only thrilled JP more.

Alec broke the kiss first, his breath warm against JP's lips. "Then, last weekend-it wasn't just because I was there? I was afraid-I don't know how to explain it...."

"You don't know?" JP blurted out, astonished. "I've liked you for a year and a half. Only you."

Alec blinked. "But we didn't even meet until... what, spring semester last year?"

"I saw you painting in your art studio, fall semester," JP admitted. "And since then, I just knew I wanted to be with you. Even though I've never really dated anyone before. I don't know what I'm doing. And I don't want to rush you, after everything-"

"JP," Alec murmured, sliding his arms around JP's waist, "I want to be with you, too."

"Okay." JP took a shivery, excited breath. "Maybe we can just take it slow."

Alec smiled. "Deal."

Happiness buzzed through JP's body, all the way down to his toes. He felt invincible. "Let's start with this," JP said, and kissed Alec again.


Thanks so much for reading! If you guys like JP and Alec, let me know with a vote or a comment, and I might write more stories about them! :-)

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