Chapter 1

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My need to fix it is so bad, it's probably gonna take me longer than I want to actually edit it all the way through.


My footsteps echoed through the hallways loudly, since I had overslept because apparently winter break ended yesterday when it regularly ends on Tuesdays. So I had forgotten to set my alarm and I'm pretty sure I'm forty minutes late to my second period.

When I got to the class I opened the door slowly and tried to make my way to my seat without the teacher noticing, since he knows me well he will make a comment about my lateness.

"Thank you for showing up early for tomorrow Ms. Frost." He said never looking up from his paperwork. I let out a fake laugh and sat down.

"You're welcome." I forced a smile. He looked up quickly and dropped his eyes back to the papers in his hands.

"Why are you so late?" He asked. I shrug and throw my bag underneath my desk, taking a seat right after.

"You know, school usually starts on Tuesdays when we go out to break, but someone decided it would be funny for it to be on Monday." I roll my eyes and lean down on my chair. Showing up to this class was pointless, but I couldn't just miss it.

"Well Denies, luckily for you, we only watched a movie for this class." I let out a small sigh as I realized that I didn't miss anything, even if school was terrible, I hated messing up my grades. It might have something to do with my need for validation and being an overachiever, but no one needed to hear that outloud. It was no one else's problem but mine.

Soon after he said this, he went back to filing his paperwork, while the students around me talked loudly and started packing their things to head out. I put my head down for the next five minutes, counting down the seconds until hearing that bell ring.

I let my classmates exit before I grab my bag and begin to walk out, but before the door could close I got a hold of it and peaked my head inside.

"Bye Mr. Sanchez!" I said letting the door close right after I said that. I walked to the lunch area to get with my friends that were probably already waiting for me to show up, especially because I wasn't there in the morning. Which would be odd since I tend to be here forty minutes before first period even starts.

"Denies! Wait!" A hand pulls on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Yes?" I asked the random girl that stopped me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I rub the back of my neck and look back to the cafeteria. My friends are going to be pissed.

"Um- actually I-"

"Great!" She pulls on my hand roughly and I search my bag with my hand that isn't being pulled. When I get a hold of my phone I start to text Kerum as quickly as possible.

She pulls me down a hall and stops, abruptly I might add. As I look up from my phone, I stand a little taller. Knowing the fear in her eyes right away, she wanted to tell me something personal, way too personal to tell someone you don't know that well.

"Before you say anything, I want you to know your secret is safe with me okay? I tend to keep an open mind about everything." I add right away, I didn't want to disappoint a stranger or make them feel bad about their own personal struggles before they even said a single word to me.

"Okay so, um- I've been thinking of having, eh- active work, with my boyfriend and it's just, I don't know if I should do it because it's just something so big you know? But we have been going out for three years already." She bites her bottom lip nervously, looking away. "All my friends are telling me it would be a good idea-"

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