Chapter 8

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Again, very much unedited. But it's here.


My sister was lying peacefully in her bed while I tried to finish a research paper that is due Monday.

I knew leaving everything to the last minute wasn't a good thing but I couldn't help it. That just happens, but it does help- it seems last minute is when I do my best work.

"I don't know." My sister hissed under her breath. I looked up and she was lightly snoring. Her eyes were tightly shut and I let out a sigh, of course she's sleeping.

Picking up my phone I check the time and notice it's eight, it wasn't even that late and that girl was asleep already.

I raise an eyebrow at the five messages I got.

Deciding I should take a quick break, I open my phone and looked through the messages.

From: Kerum

Xavier doesn't leave me alone!

From: Kerum

I swear Denies, he might be hot but he's too scary. He keeps threatening me.

I agreed with the last one, he is scary.

From: Kerum

Oh gosh, he can track me down?! Did you know that?

My eyes widened. I noticed that message was sent around six thirty. I let out a breath, I thought he was done with me. We didn't speak for a week, but here he is trying to get a hold of me yet again. Which didn't make sense, I helped him with what he needed.

I turn my head to my sister, observing the way slept. She had no worries, I on the other hand had other people's worries along with my own.

Taking the small courage I had within me I opened the fourth message.

From: Kerum

He knows where I live. I'm gonna punch you if he comes.

Although, I knew she wouldn't punch me I still got worried for her. I sucked it up and texted her back;

To: Kerum

Give him my number /:

She answered right away.

From: Kerum

Yeah.. Aha I already gave it to him... Sorry he's scary.

Why didn't he send me a message then? Remembering suddenly that I got five messages and not just four I took a deep breath and exited out of my conversation with Kerum.

I looked around and noticed the last message wasn't from an unknown number, it was from Lucio.

From: Lucio

I got 2 talk to u, message me when we can meet

I cringe at the word text, it really did bother me for some reason when people didn't type the whole world out.

"Meet?" I reread it, taking a look around. Although it was eight the sun wasn't completely gone.

Turning to look at my research paper I thought about it, I just needed ten minutes and I'll be done with it. So without thinking twice about it I send him a message saying I'll meet him at the park in twenty minutes.

I began to work on the essay without looking back on my phone.


Walking to the park wasn't as bad as I thought, it was peaceful.

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