Chapter Seven

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I slept in all morning on Sunday. James and I had stayed at the overlook to watch the sunset, so it was pretty late by the time he dropped me home. Thankfully I hadn't had anything to drink because, after such a lovely day with him, the absence of just a couple of my inhibitions would've probably resulted in me inviting him inside. It was still way too soon, I just had to keep reminding myself of that.

I sleepily shuffled into the kitchen, grinning at how clean and tidy it was. I loved Nina to bits but that girl was fucking allergic to dish soap. Tossing my phone down on the counter, I pulled the blanket tighter around my shoulders and headed over to the fridge, rummaging around for anything that wasn't out of date or mouldy. All I found were Nina's takeout leftovers from a few days before. The decision to liberate them wasn't one I took lightly, but I figured they'd probably just go to waste otherwise.

As I was staring longingly into the microwave, willing it to heat the food faster, my phone started to buzz. It was a private number. I wasn't expecting any calls, so I answered hesitantly, expecting it to be spam.


'Hey baby, how you doing?'

Oh great, Will, and he sounded absolutely hammered. I pulled the phone away from my face for a second to check the time.

'Jesus, are you drunk at midday on a Sunday?

'I'm going all weekend, baby. You should join me.'

'No. I have nothing to say to you Will, please don't call me again.'

'Woah, woah, wait. Just hear me out, alright?' I let out a deliberately loud sigh, leaning on the counter and reluctantly waiting for him to carry on. 'Look, let's go for a couple drinks, have a little talk y'know? We can sort this out, I know we can.'

'That's not happening, not ever.'

'Why the hell not?'

I paused for a second. There was so much I had to say to that, so much he should know, but at this point it was clear he was a lost cause. If he genuinely didn't know what he'd done wrong, then there was no point in attempting to explain. It'd just be a waste of breath.

'Cause you're a manipulative asshole and a waste of my time.'

'Well fuck you then, bitch.' Talk about proving your point. 'You know how many girls I have chasing me? I thought I'd be nice enough to give you another shot but I can do better in my fucking sleep you-'

I hung up and threw the phone down on the counter. Why the fuck did I even bother hearing him out? Had I not learned from months of putting up with his shit? When I thought about the anger and tears that I'd wasted on that boy I could've screamed, but even that would have required more enthusiasm than he was worth.

The microwave beeped but my appetite had completely died, replaced by a tightening and twisting sensation in my stomach. My whole mood had completely flattened, I barely even managed to muster the energy to traipse out of the kitchen and collapse onto the couch, head flopping backwards and hitting the arm with a brain-rattling thump.

I desperately needed to find something that would stop me spiralling further into misery, maybe some company. Usually I'd just talk to Nina, she was so good at instantly lifting the mood, but I didn't want to intrude on her weekend away. I just felt like I'd be a nuisance. Anxiously beginning to pick at the skin around my fingernails and feeling tears begin to slowly roll down my cheeks, I decided to call James.

'Party crasher! Miss me already?'

Just hearing his voice made me feel a little better. 'Could you come over?'

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