Kermit's adventure for tea - One-shot

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Kermit needs to go grocery shopping, because his tea was out. It's a snowy day outside and really cold. It could not be a problem for Kermit. He really wants his tea, so he can't wait for the snow storm to calm down. When he got out of the house, he feels the ice cold wind against his thin limbs. He thought that it where going to be impossible, because of the wind.

He started to take small steps. It's going really slow, in this speed he where never going to make it to the supermarket alive. But that won't stop him from buying his tea.

Suddenly the wind got stronger, so strong that Kermit could not stand any more. The wind took him. He flew away way up in the cloudy sky. When he was so up high that he could not see the ground anymore and it was in that moment he knew, he fucked up. Fh8f er6gue ge0gh sod o8sifhdh sö1ufh 0dufvh i0ufv u+

He was thrown left, right, up and down. Until the wind stopped and he fell. He had no idea where he was, the only thing he knew was that he where in a dark forest. It was scary, but that would not stop him from getting his tea.

It was still snowing, but no snowstorm. That was a relief, he would not need to worry about being blown away again. The only problem was that he was lost.

Kermit started to walk in a random direction. After a while he thought he saw something. It was something tall and shiny. When he got closer, he saw that it was a metal sign. On the sign it stood...


Kermit complealy ignored the rusty sign and just walked past it. He did not have time for this. It was cold and he wanted to get out of this forest as fast as possible before he froze or even worse die.

After awhile he heard a rustle from a bush a few feet away. Kermit got scared, he then immediately started to run with his short thin legs. But he did not run far before the thing in the bush knocked him down in the snow now you could really hear his heart rate. The thing started to lick him all over his face. The tongue was warm and wet, it was discussing but it made him clam down. He tried to pushing away so it would stop.

He got a glimpse of it. It was a dog but no ordinary dog like you would have thought to find in a dark cold forest. It was a chihuahua. But it's hard to see because of the dirt in it's fur. The only thing that gave it away was the size.

The chihuahua eventually stopped licking Kermit and started to growl at something behind him, he got scared again. Slowly but steady he turned his head backwards, it did not help that the chihuahua started to roar at the thing behind him.

It was a big angry wolf. The fur tangled and dark, the teeth looked super sharp and they were white and not bloody as if it had not eaten in months. The eyes where the worst part, they pierced through your soul with their devil like form and yellow colour and just waited for the right time to attack.

Then before Kermit could blink he felt something sharp penetrate his green neck and everything went black.

Kermit jolted up from his bed and realised it was all just a nightmare. He eventually went to the grocery store and bought his beloved tea in peace.

The end. 

Kermit's tea adventure - A one shotWhere stories live. Discover now