Chapter 4

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Bunnymund's POV

We're all in disbelief at the scene that greets us but North more verbally. "What?"

Nightmares screech all around the sleigh. We all gasp in shock. Sandman blocks some sand with a sand-umbrella. There were so many dark horses all flying around chasing the fairies. Collecting them.

Jack ducks and turns to look at them. "They're taking the tooth fairies!" He jumps up to attack a Nightmare that hasn't devoured a fairy yet, then cradles the fairy to him as he falls back into the sleigh. "Hey little Baby Tooth, you okay?"

Baby tooth chitters at Jack. HE nods as the sleigh descends through the Tooth Palace in pursuit of Pitch, a Nightmare, or Tooth, or anything, but it's empty until we spot a Nightmare.

"Here, take over!" North thrust the reins to Jack and pulls out his sword jumping to the head of the sleigh. North attacks a Nightmare, which breaks apart into black sand in the sleigh. Tooth boxes rattle to the floor.

"They're stealing the teeth!" I call out as the boxes fall in.

"Jack, look out!" North calls out as more nightmares come. Jack lands the sleigh roughly, where the Tooth is panicking. She's gasping and panicking.

North checks up on her. "Tooth! Are you alright?"

She sighs in disbelief and hurt, "They- they took my fairies, and the teeth, all of them. Everything is gone. Everything..."

Baby Tooth reappears and flies to the Tooth Fairy. She perks up and smiles.

"Oh thank goodness, one of you is alright." She gently cradles Baby Tooth.

We all turn as HE speaks. "I have to say... this is very, very exciting. The Big Four, all in one place. I'm a little starstruck. Did you like my show on the globe, North? Gotcha all together, didn't I?"

North growls at him.

"Pitch! You have got 30 seconds to return my fairies--" Tooth flies closer to him in anger.

Pitch cuts her off. "Or what? You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?" She shrinks back, unsure.

"Why are you doing this?" North asks him.

"Maybe, I want what you have. To be believed in! Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds!" His fists clench in anger.

"Maybe that's where you belong!" I yell at him.

From the underside of the spire level the Guardians are standing on Pitch scoffs. "Tah! Go suck an egg, rabbit."

I reach down to hit him but he moves into the shadows and back where he first was. I straighten up again, clenching unto my boomerang.

"Hang on. Is that... Jack Frost? Heh, hehehe. Since when are you all so chummy?" he asks.

Jack gulps. "We're not."\

"Oh good, a neutral party. Then I'm going to ignore you, but you must be used to that by now." Pitch smirks as he gestures at Jack.

"Pitch! Shut up you shadow-sneaking ratbag! Come 'ere!" I go to attacks, but Pitch moves. From behind me, Tooth grabs one of my boomerangs and attacks at Pitch's new location, shouting, but a Nightmare appears and screeches at her. She instantly backs up.

Pitch caresses the dark creature. "Whoa ho ho ho, hey! Easy girl, easy. Hehe. Look familiar, Sandman? Took me a while to perfect this little trick: turning dreams into nightmares. Don't be nervous; it only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know." He snickers as he eyes us.

Always Believe (Bunnymund x Reader)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now