3 - Your Future

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Seeing the sun shine directly into his eyes so early wasn't something Jungkook was use to, or even fond of. The curtains in the room were always shut as well as the blinds, and Jungkook made sure they stayed that way regardless of the time of day. The view out the window wasn't anything special, just a sight of the side of the building next to Golden Closet.

Nothing pretty.

Nothing unique.

Just a wall.

With a groan, Jungkook moved his hand to shield his eyes, sitting up and feeling each muscle in his body tense, the soreness a clear sign that he had slept in an unusual position. "Fuck—" he hissed, rubbing his neck. He threw his legs over the edge of the couch and rested his elbows on knees, head hanging to get away from the direct light to his face.

In all truth, he didn't remember going back to his dressing room after spending time with Jimin and Namjoon the previous night, but he didn't think he consumed an amount of alcohol that would've fogged his memory. Did he really drink that much over a few games of cards? Was it surprising, though?

No. It would've been even more off if Jungkook didn't drink. Not something he would admit to anyone, but those around him knew alcohol was something he used to get away from this reality. It had been since he was younger, living with an uncle for a short time who consumed liquor like it was water.

I need to take it easy... Jungkook lifted his head and blinked his eyes to get use to the light, head tilting to the side. The sun was shining right on the couch he slept on, showing off the small tears in it and the discoloration on other parts. He ran his fingertips over the fabric before pushing himself to stand, both knees popping and emitting a sigh of relief from him.

"Of course the sun came up again," he muttered to himself, stepping over to the window. He gripped the cloth, face to face with the stone wall out the window, and huffed. Did I open it last night? He tugged at it, making sure to cover the blank scenery before him, leaning forward and resting his forehead to the window. It's Thursday. Thursday is meeting day. Meeting day means—

"Oi! Jeon, are you up?!"

Jungkook groaned and opened his eyes. "Meeting with the owners.." The boy pushed from the wall and walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it to see a male, not one he was familiar with, wearing a black cap, white shirt and black slacks. He held a few folders and sticky notes, and the glasses on his face seemed too big.

He held the folders to Jungkook, gesturing for him to take them. "Top floor in 15 minutes."

"Why so early?" Jungkook asked, taking the folders and opening them.

"Early?" The man questioned. "Drink too much again or what? It's near 2."

"In the afternoon??"

The male rolled his eyes. "The sun's up, isn't it?" He asked, taking a step away. "Just make sure you're ready and there."

Jungkook nodded and closed the door, looking at the contents in the folder. It was nothing much, just a few notes from Jimin about what they needed to do to improve views, what kind of scenes would be a better. That kind of stuff. "This should be fun," Jungkook muttered to himself as he tossed the folders to the couch, walking over to the rack that held his clothes.

Picking out a beige long sleeve and stressed jeans, he glanced at himself in the mirror. Maybe a belt would look better? He shook his head and fixed his hair, trying to smoothen out a few strands that stuck up. He patted his head a few times before grabbing a thing of chapstick, putting some on. His face contorted and he checked the label. Peach.

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