Chapter Nineteen

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Warning: Mention of smut


Things between Y/N and Max seem to be going quite well. Max would help her out at the bookstore whenever she needed him and their evenings would be spent together, mostly inside of Y/N's bedroom beneath the sheets.


It was the day of the monthly inventory check, so Y/N had to work late this evening and of course Max was there to help her out.

"So, how's your friend been doing?" Max askes you while you guys are busy in the storeroom. "John's doing well. Just complaining about having to be at home" You chuckle.

"Have they found out anything more on who attacked him?" Max enquires a bit nervously. "Nope. It was too dark, John didn't even see the guy coming and there were no witnesses. The cops have nothing to go by, it's like the person never even existed-" You shrug your shoulders in disappointment and Max silently lets out a sigh of relief over the information.


You were later standing in front of the table lost in thought while going over the inventory list; when suddenly an arm wrapped around your waist from behind, causing you to drop the clipboard as you were startled from your train of thought.

"Why so jumpy-" Max mumbles against your neck, his short beard burning a hot trail as he peppered soft kisses up and down it.

"Max-" you softly moan out as your eyes flutter close. Your breathing soon becomes heavier when you feel Max's fingers slowly pulling the zipper at the back of your dress down.

Max kisses a trail down the centre of your back as he slips the dress off your body, sending a shiver of excitement through your body as it drops to the floor. You're suddenly pushed down face first onto the table as Max pressed his crotch up against your bottom, gridding himself hard into you; causing you to whimper out. 

You then feel Max's fingers slip into the side seams of your panties as he gently tugs them down to join your dress on the floor. Feeling Max stepping back away, you remain silently in bent over position. You then hear Max fiddling with his belt buckle, your breathing is heavy with anticipation when the sound of him unzipping his pants is heard thereafter.

You gasp out in surprise when you feel Max's weight on your back as he leans over onto you. Max place a kiss on your shoulder blade, pulling you upwards and against his front then. "Do you want me to fuck you?" Max breaths out against you neck. 

Too lost in the moment, all you could do was moaningly nod your head in response. You gasp out in surprise when Max suddenly grabs hold of your throat "I don't hear you saying anything- What is it you want?" he huskily whispers into your ear as he gently applies pressure on his grip around your throat.

"You- I want you- to Fuck me-" you shakenly manage to respond through your lustfully clouded thoughts. You let out a gasp of surprise when you're pushed back down onto the table by Max "then who am I to deny you that request-" he slurs out, kicking your legs further apart...


Soon the two weeks had passed bye and John returned back to work, but not fully mobile. Which meant that you had to attend the workshop John had been booked for before he was attacked. Meaning, you'd be out of town for a whole week.

Therefore, leaving Max with nothing to do with himself for that week you were gone. And an unoccupied Max, is a Max that tends to go back to old habits. Soon Max is back to spying on Juliet yet again.

One early morning while spying on Juliet through the walls, Max overhears her having a heated argument with Jack; in which she accuses him of cheating on her yet again. 

Max is suddenly conflicted with his feelings then; things with Y/N are going so well, yet on the other hand he still had some feelings for Juliet too.

Max tries his best to keep away from Juliet, out of fear that he might be tempted to react upon the feelings for her that resurfaced again. 

Not only that, things with Y/N are going so well and he didn't want to put what they have at risk. Besides, Max knew it wouldn't take long for Juliet to forgive Jack and go back to him again. 

Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine until the week neared it's ending, when Max had to go and fix a leaking pipe in Juliet's apartment.

"Thank you for fixing the leak, Max" Juliet comments as she walks him to the door. "No problem. What are landlords for." Max responds with a dimpled smile.

Starting to feel a bit uncomfortable at the way Juliet was staring at him and with how close up she was standing, Max hastily tries to leave "Well, I best be off. And if there's anyth-" Max is cut off by Juliet when she suddenly reaches out and grabs him into a deep kiss...


It was Saturday evening when you arrived back home from the out of town workshop you had to attend. Initially you were only supposed to be returning home tomorrow but the course finished earlier than planned, which meant you got to come home sooner. 

You were so excited to surprise Max, you had missed him terribly the entire week being away from him.

Cheerfully making your way out of the elevator, your mind filled with thoughts of the wonderful reunion you had planned for Max and yourself. But once you exited the elevator and entered the corridor, that cheerfulness was suddenly crushed when you witness Max and Juliet standing in front of her apartment, kissing.

Devastated at what you saw and not wanting to risk them seeing you while you wait for the elevator, you hastily make for the stairs in order to get away from the scene. And therefore miss witnessing something extremely important had you only stuck around a few minutes longer.

Hastily, yet gently pushing Juliet off him, Max puts matters straight with her "I'm sorry Juliet, but I'm seeing someone."

"You have a girlfriend?" Juliet looks at him surprised. Realizing that although you guys never made it official, that was exactly what you were to him "yes. I have a girlfriend." Max responds with a faint smile as he pictured your beautiful face before.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again." Juliet apologizes to Max. "It's ok. No harm done. Goodnight." Max tells her and then leaves for his apartment.

An hour after you had your heart shattered into pieces witnessing the kiss between Max and Juliet. You were sitting on a bench across the street from your apartment building, in a complete daze. The scene of what you saw replaying in your mind repeatedly.

Deciding that enough time had passed and with a heavy heart, you get up from your seat and make your home.

Emotionally drained by everything, you decide to call it an early night when suddenly your phone goes off; alerting you got a text. Checking your phone, you see that it's from Max "Hi there, baby. Missing you terribly. Can't wait for tomorrow when you get back."

"He probably finished with her not long ago" you think to yourself as you looked at the phone in disgust. Not wanting to think about it nor the both of them together, you shut your phone off and go to bed without replying.

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