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The Meaning of Eivor

Eivor means "luck in the spring", "spring lucky", "island of spring" or "defender", "vigilant" (from Old Norse "auja" = gift/luck/fortune, or "ey" = island, in combination with "vár/vǫr" = spring, or "varr" = vigilant/cautious and "warjaʀ" = defender).



Raven stopped the teasing knowing she can't lie with her yet: patience is a must. It is not good to rush things for a messy product will always result in something unpleasant.
Evior whined a little bit clearly letting Raven know she wanted more of her sensual touch.
"Not now. You need to rest, tomorrow is a busy day." Evior sighed a little whilst Raven continued to bathe her body; after a couple of minutes soaking into the bubblegum scented bath. The women both exited in unison drying each other off.

Raven didn't care that Evior had an extra part attached to her; she wanted her to be a special servant, having authority over all the maids, butlers, and trained guards. She wanted Evior to be her personal trained assassin, her ultimate guard that will please her at all times.
Raven gave the younger woman an oversized white t-shirt and underwear. Evior didn't need a bra for her breast were too small.
   Evior plopped herself onto the bed; in Evior's eyes it was nice knowing Raven not only had an office but also a bedroom installed.
Soon enough the smaller woman fell asleep, drifting into a dark dream.

"NO PLEASE! LET ME GO! I WILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT! PLEASE, I HAVE A FAMILY AND CHILDREN WHO WILL MISS ME AND GRIEVE HEAVILY OVER MY DEATH! SPARE ME OR YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" The mans words had no affect on Evior, her emotions vanished at that moment, she quickly slit his throat to end his suffering, not wanting to hear his words anymore.

  Evior bolted up and screamed on the top of her lungs, waking Raven immediately. That horrific dream was short but terrifying enough to startle Evior.
   Ravens eyes widen seeing her prized possession in this state of condition, Evior began to weep, trembling in despair, her lips quivering, calling out for Ravens name in a quiet, yet broken-hearted voice.
  "I-I saw m-myself self relentlessly kill a man, showing no ounce of emotion nor care for the people; I changed completely in that dream. Help me." Evior couldn't speak clearly for she broke down every mid-sentence, disbelief at what she became in that dream. It tormented her mind causing her to grab a clump of her hair and scream into the pillows.
    Raven did not know exactly what to do for she has never witnessed anyone have a mental breakdown.
All Raven could do was wrap her arms around Evior's waist, pulling her in closely to her breast, and hum a lullaby.
This action seemed to calm down the smaller woman, her breathing pattern began to return back to normal, her sniffles becoming more quiet, her body now more at ease.
Raven rubbed Evior's back, it was now four O' clock in the morning so it is best if Evior gets ready now for training.
"You have training early in the morning." Raven whispered, Evior said nothing in response but rather nodded her head.
Evior always replied by nodding her head, she only speaks when spoken to for this is what Smith wanted in her. She will only break out of character in extreme conditions.
  Raven guides Evior to a room, the same man from the limo, wearing his nice tuxedo but instead he is holding a sniper and a pocket knife.
  His white gloves tighten onto the materials as if his life depended upon it.
   Raven leaves not announcing her disappearance but rather slowly closing the door behind her, leaving Evior and the man from the limo alone.
"Call me Sir. Boozeman." The man said staring directly into her eyes.
"Yes, Sir. Boozeman." She bows before the man to show respect but he simply showed no interest; claiming there is no need for such a thing.
The man gently grabs onto Evior's arm guiding her to a dummy.
   Sir. Boozeman spoken to Evior about how she can assassinate using a knife, the specific organs, muscles, and specific nerves to hit so their death will be quick. What she can do to remove evidence and how to quickly dispose the body.
  Evior whines noticing this training reminds her of the dream. She changed completely and that horrified her to think about.
   Her breathing became more rapid since the dream is now coming back to her head, the scene of her slitting the mans throat, ignoring his horrendous pleas.
Evior backs away claiming she couldn't do the training anymore, she needed to calm down, and have her own space to relax.
This action displeased Boozeman, he wanted to get this training done and over with. He swiftly grabbed onto her arm whilst tightening his grip, his eyes darkened in displeasure.
"We have no time to waste. You need to get to work or I will get fired and who knows what will happen to you afterwards."
Those sudden words startled her; in hesitance she moved towards the taller servant.
She exhaled deeply, clearly not wanting to do what she is being forced to do. But she had no choice for after all she is just a slave, a machine that is meant to do dirty work.
The butler proceeded to teach Evior what muscles she must cut: he practiced upon the dummy as an example in a swift manner, almost as if he did this before on a human being.
He gestured her to come hither and the dummy beside him. He carefully gives her the knife.

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