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It is now early in the morning, the beautiful bright sun is not out yet. But Evior has awoken for she assured her master that she will be awaken earlier than the time given to her.
She was already dressed and ready to go while her owner was still asleep.
Evior didn't want to lounge around so she decided to explore her masters office. She noticed a paper with her name on it.

  "Hm. Missions." Evior quietly muttered whilst observing the cover of the document.
  She examined the paper and noticed she will eventually have to kill a man. She gulps not wanting to hurt anyone but her sudden thirst for vengeance burned within her and that sudden sympathy died.
"Apparently this man is a well known pimp. He owns a lot of prostitutes and-" Raven quickly snatched the paper from the curious woman's hand.
   "Hm. I never knew you were an inspectors gadget?" She chuckles
  "But that is not for you to read just yet. But I am impressed you are ready." Raven quickly changes the subject she then pats her servants shoulder.
  "Let us get going then, hm?" Evior nods whilst following her owner.


The two women arrive at their destination.
"You'll be meeting my mother today. She wants you to work for her." Evior raised her eyebrow in confusion.
"What? Don't look at me like that." She laughs "Come. Let us not have her waiting." She grabs onto the younger woman's hand leading her into the household.
  Raven barges through the door. "Mother! I have her. I know you've been so eager and excited to meet her." Raven shouts. A tall muscular woman rushes down the stairs. Clicking sounds fills the entire entrance as the woman travels down the stairs.
  Although the woman is in heels she didn't trip not once.
"Come hither." She gestures towards Evior completely ignoring her daughters presence.
  Evior walks up to the woman with slight hesitance but not wanting to disappoint her owner she obeyed.
  "Just as beautiful as I recall but you lack elegance and grace."
  Raven gulps not pleased with the words of her mother.
  "Mother please. Give her time to adjust: I just purchased her not too long ago!" Raven exclaimed
  The mother scoffs "I want to see how well she can please me; my needs must be attended. Leave the woman here." The mother demands.
  Raven sighs in defeat knowing she can not say no towards her powerful mom. In shame, Raven quickly took her leave without saying goodbye.
  This questioned Evior on what there relationship was like in the past and how much power does the truly mother own?
"What is your name?" The mysterious woman asked.
Evior clears her throat clearly indicating she does not desire to speak due to the woman's eerie vibe.
"When I ask you a question, you will answer me immediately." The woman grabs onto Evior's jaw, tightening her grip to show dominance.
The pain started to stir up in the younger woman's jaw so she finally gave in.
"Yes ma'am." She replies weakly

"Your name?" The woman questions once more "Do not make me repeat myself either or you WILL regret it." The woman empathized to promise Evior the punishment wouldn't be pleasant.
"Evior. Evior Bjorn." The woman smiles widely.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." The woman laughs letting her hand loose from Evior's jaw.

"You will be sleeping with me." The woman demanded, Evior sighed in defeat clearly not wanting to be in bed with this woman at all.
The mysterious woman guided Evior towards her bed. Once Evior made herself comfortable, the woman begins to strip revealing her black lingerie.
"Evior. My husband has died long ago. Has my daughter Raven ever told you her father died?"
Evior's eyes widen seeing the older woman half naked, she quickly turns away, blushing in embarrassment.
"N-no." She stuttered, the woman being amused seeing the smaller woman's submissive state turned her on.
"Good. She was always a daddies girl, she loved her old man to pieces and when he died during a shooting, her world shattered and so did mine."
The woman snaps her fingers causing Evior to make direct eye contact with her.
"W-why are you telling me this?" She questioned.
"Because there is a side to Raven I want you to stay away from. Once you mention her father she changes, she will become angry with you and automatically think you're the person who killed her father for you know about the tragic news. His death was not announced on national news. Very few people know of his death and if anyone new finds out consequences will rise; It has been five years since his death and my daughter still holds a grudge towards the killer but I forgive the killer."
Evior being astonished and still quite puzzled onto why she must know this information.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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