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I walk into class and sit down in the middle row like I always do. This morning my damn head pounding and it wasn't helping that I was hungry as hell. I was one of the 7 other students in the class and the teacher wasn't there yet.

I texted Buffy to let her know that when she got to class I probably wasn't going to be there because I was going to the cafeteria to get me some food and if she wanted some too.

Buffy never texted back fast and she was always late so when she didn't respond right away I wasn't worried. I put down my thing's and I leave the class walking to the cafeteria when a nicely dressed man walked past me. It wasn't like some regular guy...no, he walked with his head up and with a passion, he also smelled so good. When he walked past me I couldn't help but stare at him.

My eyes followed him until my head was damn near doing a full 180. I didn't even know him but I got butterflies by just looking at him. He was so put together. I was mesmerized by him and watched him walk into my class thinking he was another student and not paying attention to what was in front of me.

I ran into the damn cafeteria doors in front of like 4 other people. When I ran into the doors it made a boom making people stare at me. I didn't look at them nor did I say anything, I just went and opened the doors and walked in got my food and left. When I got back to my class I saw Buffy sitting next to where I was sitting with her head down.

She was hungover from last night and I knew that because it was all over her Insta story. I walked over to her giving her the food I had cause I could clearly see she needed it more than me.

"I told you not to drink too much now look." I said with a I told you so tone in my voice.

"Look I don't need this shit right now alright? I'm dealing with the consequences already so shut the fuck up." Buffy said in a raspy dry tone.

Just then I heard someone talk in a stern but professional tone in the front of the room and I directed my attention towards them. It was the man that I saw earlier. He looked so good in the suit he was in. I started to imagine him bending me over and fucking me on his desk when he started talking. His voice was deep and loud but not too loud. You could tell he was he was a serious man.

I tapped Buffy over and over so I could tell her about the whole thing but she wasn't paying me no mind so I left her alone.

"Good morning everyone, I am Mr. Agnello and as you can already see your regular professor is not here because she has been transferred to another college so I am going to be your new professor for now on."

And I cant lie that's all I remember him saying. For the rest of the class just went by so fast because I was day dreaming about him. It sounds so creepy when I really think about it.

"RIVER GET UP! Girl class ended like 5 minutes ago and you've just been sitting here staring into space. Get up." Buffy said to me in a irritated tone.

I pick up my stuff and we leave. We start walking to the exit doors and Buffy walks back to her car.

"You don't want me drive you? I can take you back to your dorm."

"No it's okay, I need to exercise anyways i'll just walk." I said to Buffy.

"Okay then. Call me when you get back to your room okay?" Buffy always wanted to make sure I was okay. She always worried about me.

"Okayyy Ill call you when I get there I promise. I love you."

"LOVE YOU TOO GIRL!" Buffy shouted to me as she was walking to her car.

I rolled my eyes because Buffy was always so extra and that's why I loved her. She never cared about what anyone thought of her and always did her own thing.

When I got back to my dorm I took of my shoes then my bra and of course texted Buffy to let her know I got back okay.

I do some work that I had to do for Mr. Agnello's class and then after about 3 hours of doing that I just chilled for the rest of the day. Even though I hadn't done much I was really tired. I was about to start cooking my dinner until I got a notification that I had gotten an email from Mr. Agnello.

Even though I knew it would most likely be about the work I submitted I was still kind of excited to see what he had to say. I opened the email and when I was finished reading it I was mad. It took me so long to do that work for him to tell me I could've "done better" when I did the best I fucking could.

Tomorrow i'm staying after to ask about this bullshit ass email he sent me. I thought I did pretty good but clearly I didn't for him.

I Know this chapter was boring and wasn't much but I just wanted to at least get one part of the story out.

How do you think Mr. Agnello will react when she talks to him tomorrow and do you think River will be nice?

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