Chapter 7: Friends?

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The next morning the sun somehow found it's way through my curtains and on to my eyelids. Ugh. Monday.

WAIT! HOLY CRAP ITS MONDAY! I jumped out of my bed quickly putting on my black v-necked shirt, my black pants and my sneakers. Blotting out the door with my keys, I get into my car and drive quickly to my job. Holy f*ck, Why does Jake make us wake up so early, Not like people buy guns at the butt crack of dawn!

As I entered "Son Of A Gun", my place of work, I grab my name tag and walk to the counter, but I am stopped by my British boss.
"You are fifteen minutes late." Jake spoke walking out of his office and I sighed. "I know."
"That is not how we do things around here."
"I know"
"I ought a fire you."
"I know"
"But I'm not going to because you should know that Rose cannot work full time. She is a pregnant woman you know."
"I know."
"Alrighty then, Good day."
"You too sir."

I sat in a chair awaiting my customers to arrive.

[bit of backstory here guys! Rose got pregnant because she wanted a baby so she did the sperm donated thing. Yep. P.s. If you guys want more fanfiction on any Homestuck couple, let me know]

My phone sang a tone in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the newest message from Pesterchum.

carcinoGeneticist [CG] wants to video chat

[YES] or [NO]

I smiled, He wants to video chat me. I put my head phones in and I answered the video chat.
"Hello" I said quietly so Jake wouldn't hear me through the walls of his office.
"Hi again" Karkat whispered back in to the computer screen.
"You don't have to whisper dumby"
"Then why are you"
"I'm at work, what's your excuse" I chuckled.
"I don't kn- Shut the f*ck up!" He laughed with his sharp toothed smile.
"There he is, My cursing friend"
"I'm not your friend." His smile faded from his face.
"Ah, but I am your friend right?"
"Shut up" his smile sprouted once again.
"So what's your job" he asked me.
"We'll I work at a gun store"
"Are they laser guns?" His face lit up like Roxy with a bottle of wine.
"Sadly no." I reply with a smile.
"I know right, I just have to deal with real guns."
"But laser guns are f*cking cool."
"Yeah" I laughed, "Karkat, Are you my friend?"
"Why do you want me to be your f*cking friend weirdo"
"You're a real a**hole sometimes"
"Yep, The PERFECT reason to be friends with someone"
"The only reason I want to be friends with you is because you seem pretty cool."
"I'm not cool."
"But you are pretty" I laughed
"Obviously" he replied, rolling his eyes.
"So will you be my friend?"
"Why the f*ck not" he smiled.
"Thanks Karkat, You're a dork"
His face grew a slight red and he laughed "Get to work f*cka**"
And so I did, with a smile along my face.

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