Chapter 14: Puncture

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I awoke in pain. "Gahhh!!" I shrieked as I felt a sharp pain in my ribs. I jammed my emergency button, Fearing for my life. My face began to get warm and tears burned down my cheeks.
Doctors ran into my room the rest I didn't remember.

I woke up in a haze, My chest wrapped in gauze and bandages.
"Oh my gawd, John she's up" I saw a short haired girl with a faux-hawk and the voice of Roxy. She cut her hair short, She looks beautiful. I see John run into the room happily and kiss my head "______! You're awake"
I opened my mouth to speak, John shushed me "Don't talk, Doctor said it's not good to after the surgery."
I wondered what on earth he was talking about, Probably something I've had done to my chest.
"But _______, Look." John stepped aside as Rose walked in with a small infant in her arms.
I smiled and mouthed 'Congratulations'.
"You wanna hold her?" She asked, I politely nodded and pushed a button on the side of the hospital bed to incline my seating position. Rose gently placed the young girl in my arms. "Hold her above your breasts, So you don't damage yourself ok?"
I nodded.
What a lovely young child.
"Her name is Raina" Roxy added in.
A beautiful name. Raina was warm and soft to the touch, Her skin was as gentle as a peach. I looked at Rose, telling her she can have her daughter back.
As the child was lifted from my arms, Calliope walked in.
"Hey girl!" Calliope smiled.
"Look at what I was given" she pointed at her very short but gradually growing hair.
How much did I miss, How long was I out?
My doctor walked in and was pleased to see I was awake. "Miss ______, Welcome back to the party" he chuckled.
"You were gone for nearly 3 weeks"
I was shocked, beyond shocked. I slept for 3 weeks?!
"Yes I know crazy right? But it was good rest for you. One of your lower ribs in your rib cage has been cracking for a while and a bone plate chipped off and punctured your lungs. We did the surgery just in time."
John smiled at me "Just in time."
I grinned.
"But unfortunately"
Jane walked into the door with a tray of cookies "You cannot have any outside food until after a few days." Jane left the room, then came back in with an upset face and not one single cookie.
I almost laughed then the doctor stopped me. "Please don't try to do anything like that, It would be very drastic. Also, We repaired your ribs that were cracking and they should be good."
I smiled.

A few days later I was back, Talking with my best friend, Taking a few 1 hour naps each day, Eating Janes cupcakes at last, Receiving 5 treatments a day, Bad lip reading doctors, And getting to dream of Karkat almost every night.
"Nooo that anime might be too unattractive to you ______." Calliope sighed as she laid her head on my shoulder. We were sitting on my hospital bed and we were deciding on which show we wanted to watch together.
It was a possibility I could go home but they said if I felt safer here they would only make me pay 2,500 dollars for as long as I stayed. I found that to be a great deal, I was lonely at home and besides I'd have eat hospital food anyway and I'd be on house arrest. I was very fragile when I was in my early stages of cancer.
I continued scrolling on the remote control to the hospital television to find a good anime to watch. Calliope had laid under the blankets with me and we snuggled up close and watched one of her favorite animes.
I was glad to be told I could go outside in a week or so, I would just have to rest more often during the day to get the chance to even see the clouds move across the sky.
"I ordered us some burgers and fries, you okay with that?" Calliope asked me and I smiled "Yeah sounds delicious. Thank you." Calliope smiled at me, I'm glad she finally beat her cancer.

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