Chapter 10: My Cancer Has Come

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The doctor examined my body for any signs of swelling. Only the hip.
"Get her to the MRI room now" I hear the doctor whisper to the nurses behind the curtain.

Soon I am laying still with a repeated noise ringing from the machine, making me want to cringe and leave the room. But I can't, I can only lay still. Listening to the beeps around me. Then the doctor comes in after the beeps stop, Telling me "Come back in a week or so, We'll have your results then."

I waited for 7 long days, Laying still, listening to what's around me.
The first day I was saddened by how I was put into a state of the unknown. John came over to comfort me and watch movies with me and get fat by hamburgers and fries. That was one of the good days of the week.

Now I am on day seven, Driving back to the hospital to find my results. I breathe from my mouth, Scared to even sniff my fate ahead of me. To the right I see Jane's bakery blaze by, A hint of her cupcakes reach my tongue and a faint smile appeared on my face, for a moment I forgot about the results and thought of the first day I went to Janes.

Her sweet pumpkin spice smell from her baking filled the room I was back in my black sneakers walking that checkered floor to the red counter that harbored the delicious goodies. "Top of the mornin' to ya miss!" Jane said smiling as she went up to me from her counter. "Oh, Hi. Sorry, I couldn't help but walk in, This place smells so good."
"We'll thanks! That's a family recipe, In scent that is." She smiled as she grabbed a jar of clear orange oil with a cork on top of it and placed it on the counter. "How does it work exactly?"
"It goes a lil somethin' like this sugar" she says while dipping down to grab something from a drawer. It was a nail. She grabbed a lighter and started burning the tip of the nail to a high temperature. She suddenly struck the cork with the nail and took the nail out seconds later and the aroma of pumpkin spice filled my nose once again.
"Pretty cool isn't it?"
"Yeah. It's kinda like a candle."
"It's what it's made to be."
I nodded smiling.
"So what's your order sugar?"
I looked in the clear cased counter, I felt a hand grasp my cheek and turn my head to the owners face.
"I can make ya anything you'd like, don't go lookin' in there."
"Hmmmm, Cupcakes?"
"Comin' right up!" She let go of me and ran to her red kitchen door. Around 30 minutes later she walked back into the main area with a silver tray full of bright red cupcakes with white icing on top and red rock candy sprinkles dashed around the rim of the cupcakes icing.
"They look amazing!"
"Thanks, I just hope they taste good."
"I think they will." I reply as she hands me a cupcake. I take a bite and my mouth was filled with creamy warmth, The cupcakes fudge like texture was absolutely wonderful.

I am brought back to my cars steering wheel, Getting out of my own memories. I stop in the hospital parking lot and exit my car into the north tower of the building.

I walk into the doctors office an hour later then expected, He had a boy with a broken knee from a sports incident before me, it only seems fair he gets a treatment before I do.
"Hi there Miss _________"
There was a silence for nearly a solid thirty seconds.
"Look, This is not an easy thing to say but" he stopped mid sentence, as if he couldn't talk to me clearly, then he gave me a paper. It had all these words on it and I knew it was heading to something bad, Then suddenly those words fled my mind when I saw that one word.

My cancer has come.

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