All Encounters are meant to be

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"Excuse me, sir" a lady interrupted his thought process, " you just dropped your card

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"Excuse me, sir" a lady interrupted his thought process, " you just dropped your card." He frowned a little bit when he lifted his head, his smile was gentle and soft, " thank you."

The voice owner is a young girl,  her hair is tied up with a few loose strands, wearing a pink oversized hoodie and a plaid skirt.  She held the card that he dropped with two hands, quite polite for a teenager in this age and time.

She seemed to be around 19.

"Your welcome." She handed the card over to him with a small smile and left swiftly, seemingly to be in a rush for something.

Wen Wu turned around and dialled a number, " 我儿子找到了吗?" [is my son found?]During these 6 years, he always keeps track of where his children's whereabouts and also ensure their safety.

Yesterday, it was reported that Shang Chi went missing and they couldn't track where he went.

" 查到了先生,现在应该是在通往澳门的飞机上了。"
[found it, sir, he should be in the plane flying towards Macau]

"...." He narrowed his eyes, amused and almost looking forward to what could drive his scared son to Macau, the very place he is in.

" ah damn it!" He heard a soft cursing and was gonna ignore it but it sounded familiar. It was the same girl that returned him his card.  She's running frantically towards his direction and if it was the usual him, he wouldn't even have bothered to ask or be even interested in the first place.

Maybe he was in a decent mood so he decided to offer a hand.

"Do you need any help, miss? " his voice had a soothing effect and that helped Chloe to calm a little.

"I- I lost my train ticket and my friends are still waiting for me on the train and the place is quite far.." She panted, feeling breathless from all the running, her face flushed red while looking at the man standing in front of her.

At first glance, he is not very tall but his back stood straight. He wears a grey suit with a white base, unlike most people, his sleeves are rolled up and there are 5 strange rings each attached to his arms and veins can be seen popping out.

It's kind of odd and it looks uncomfortable.

His eyes are soft and gentle, but at the same time, it is penetrative, powerful and commanding.

A natural leader.

" ahh, is it? Don't worry, " the gentlemen smiled, his eyes crinkle as he does so, making him look even more harmless. " I can help with the ticket. Where are you going?"

A part of Chloe feel that she shouldn't be telling all this information to a weird-looking ( and kinda hot) stranger but she shoved this thought to the back of her head.

" I'm going xx xx xx" she obediently answered, her eyes still wandering around, hoping her ticket will
miraculously appear under her feet.

Seeing this, Wen Wu chuckle a little, his mood seemed to be even better, he is feeling kind today.

5 minutes later, an expensive-looking car that Chloe can't name stopped beside them.

He watched Xu Wen Wu tilt his head to the side, motioning her to enter the car after holding the door open for her.

"Uh..." Chloe blinked her eyes twice, a bit confused with too many things going on within a short period.

" Go in." The tone of Wen Wu voice is still very gentle, but it felt off. For some reason, Chloe felt pressured to even reject him, as if something bad will happen if he make this nice looking gentleman upset.

Later on, she will realise those are her animal instincts.


" I'll drive you too xx xx xx and don't worry about your train ticket, I've already settled it."  Wen Wu broke the silence as the young girl has been quiet and tensed since she entered the car.

"T-thank you, sir, you're very kind." Chloe stuttered a little, feeling a bit tense as the man is sitting right next to her. Even though there is some distance between them and the man is not looking at her, she still felt self-conscious.

"I have many names but you can call me Wen Wu," Wen Wu closed his eyes as he rest his head, sensing how much stress he's giving the young girl, he can't help but chuckle a little. " there's no need to be afraid, I don't kidnap young girls like you. Tell me  a little about yourself, won't you?"

"....I'm Chloe, I'm from New York," Chloe answered softly, she's part of the superhero trainee programme under Stark Industries, if her training goes well, she will be able to join fights together with heroes like the Avengers. The trainees are split into different groups based on their powers. She's quite welcomed in any group since her power is healing.

When she was much younger, her powers were still weak, she could barely heal small cuts, flu, headache and other minor illness and injuries. As she start growing older, she could treat more serious illnesses and injuries like an ankle sprain, big cuts and more but her potentials seemed to stop there. When she was invited to the superhero programme, it helped her opened a new world, a much more dangerous one.

Treating poison? Yeah, no problem.
Gunshot wounds? Yeah no problem
Some alien venomous scratch and bites? Yeah, no problem.
Cancer and other fatal diseases? Umm, still undergoing an experiment but it's turning out well.

Something special about Chloe healing's ability is perhaps, her ability to numb one's pain. During the healing process, her patients won't feel any pain at all they felt comfortable and sleepy.

" 18 already?" The man casually asked, his body language all comfortable. Something about Wen Wu speaking in precise English is, you know, attractive to Chloe.

" ahh yes."

" Do you have a Chinese name?" He asked again.

" Uh yes, I do speak a little Chinese back when I was home, they call me 雪黎.(Xue Li, pronounced as Shue" Chloe smiled at the thought of her family. Her parents when she and her elder brother were young and her grandparents grew them up instead. Unlike her, his brother was invited to the super fighter programme instead since he seemed to have the talent to be a really good fighter.

Guess they have some superpower genes, heh, Chloe eyes curled a little more, thinking about how his dumb brother would have caused so much trouble in his new place.

"Then I'll you Xue Li then, our names have special meanings, they are wishes from our parents and they also originate from where we actually come from." Xu wen Wu paused a little, " you have a nice name and smile." And their short little conversation ended with Chloe saying thank you.

A few minutes later or so, they've already arrived in their destination.

When Chloe waved bye to the calm man sitting on his car and their eyes met, for some reason, she feels that this will not be the last time they met.

They will meet again..

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