Chapter 4 The Compound

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For some reason, Chloe sat together with Shang-Chi and WenWu in the same helicopter. To make things worse, they made her sit right between the two men.

Thankfully, there are enough spaces in between so their thighs aren't touching each other. Still, the atmosphere is tense. Shang-Chi is visibly uncomfortable and nervous, Wenwu is well, just closing his eyes and relaxing. Meanwhile, Chloe is just trying to pretend she is meditating.

"Hey.." Chloe whispered to Shang-chi who's sitting at her right, Shang-chi tilt his head to her side in response. " where are we going? Is he going to kill us..." she said super softly, " my dad is bringing us back to our compound. Uh... I don't think so? But it happens."

Chloe widens her eyes in horror, " what do you mean it happens!" She gasped in silence, she closed her eyes, took a second to pray to whichever god is present now, "you know, it's a horrible idea, why did I pick you as my partner?" Shang-chi giggled at her dramatic expression, feeling less anxious, he knows that she is trying to help him feel better.

" well, because I'm the hottest Chinese in class, maybe?" He raised his eyebrow and tried to do a smolder expression and Chloe rolled her eyes, "tsk."

Guess the "Tsk" was so loud it got WenWu's attention. Well, to be fair, WenWu overheard the entire hilarious and childish conversation between Shang-Chi and Chloe. It's not that difficult. He almost laughed when he heard the girl asking Shang-Chi whether he's gonna kill them in an innocent tone.

His eyes crinkled at the edges as he stares into the sky and the corners of his lips went slightly upward, not obvious, but it can be seen that the owner is in a good mood.

It felt peaceful, to hear her soothing voice. Maybe it was the way she sway to the side when she giggled, or it could be the way her eyes sparkled when she heard something she's interested, and that shy smile when they made eye contact.

WenWu is an intimidating man and he no doubt knows the effect of his stares on others, not to mention, a young girl who's barely been to a battlefield.

"Welcome to my humble state." In contrast to his modest statement, was his prideful expression.
"I'll have my man prepare your room and shall we have dinner together?" Chloe opened her mouth but no words came out, it clearly was an offer she cannot reject.

WenWu nod his head knowingly as if he already knew the answer as he came closer with a gentle smile , making Chloe shift nervously.  " Please, make yourself at home."

"I'll guide you to your room, my lady." A tall man with a mask on approached, he bowed as he spoke.

It's gonna be a very long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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