To Kill or To Heal

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Credit: Yuzu Art

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Credit: Yuzu Art

Chloe knew they will meet again, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

She was healing an injured teammate from the fighter program that joined the team two days ago, his name was Shaun. Out of nowhere, a bunch of skilled assassins broke the window and came in and seized them.

Shaun was badly injured and she, well, she can't even climb the staircases without feeling tired so it only made sense that she couldn't fight those guys off.  What surprised her was to see a man with a white buttoned shirt and simple trousers walking in, it was that man that helped her a few days ago.

Wenwu threw her a stare and seemed surprised to see her together with his son but did not say anything about their previous encounter.

"I told my man that they wouldn't be able to kill you even if they tried, I'm glad I'm right but," wen Wu raised an eyebrow and shrugged, " did expect you to be in a better shape."

Asian dads, really, this almost reminded how his dad terrified her when she fails her exam.

Very taunting.

You can feel Shang-Chi's muscles tensed and you gave him a comforting pat to calm him down. WenWu immediately looked at your hand that's patting ShangChi, his gaze was hostile and intimidating, not sure if it's intended for you or ShangChi.

" I'm sorry to interrupt, Sir" Chloe hesitantly cut in, " Shaun's injured and we are still in the middle of treatment. Would it be okay if I finish healing him? It would be quick!" Chloe swears, she has seen many scary things during her training program but this man is another whole level of scary.

It was different from the day she met him. He was well, intimidating but now, threatening is an understatement.

" Xue Li, isn't it?" WenWu gave her a tight-lip smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, " I apologize that we have to meet again in this situation, you are not hurt right? " he ignored her question and asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm good. Thank you for asking." Chloe smiled nervously, the older man nodded his head understandingly and turned his head to his son.

" 治疗过后,我们就回家了。你也是时候回到我身边了。" [ after the treatment, we shall go
Home. It's time for you to take by my side. ] WenWu said with a warm smile as he placed his forehead against Shang-Chi.

With that, WenWu left a few men to guard the place and left them to deal with the other things.

" Shaun, your real name is Shang-chi? " Chloe asked curiously. Both of her hands are still on his injured leg, a mysterious soft glow formed around the area slowly absorbing the pain and negative energy encircling her. As she does so, the bone started healing and the blood gradually disappeared into her hand. Usually, it would have hurt a lot to fix a broken bone but Shang-chi looked relaxed, and in fact, comfortable would be a better word.

It felt like he's lying on cool water and all the internal injuries that acquired over the years have been removed and he felt stronger.

As Chloe unknowingly treats Shang-chi, WenWu was observing her through the hidden cameras that his man has installed all over the place.

He turned his head and his man immediately walked over and bowed his head, " Yes Sir?"

" I want to know everything about her in 5 minutes."  He ordered, his tone is still gentle but the aura radiating around him isn't friendly at all.


" Chloe Wang, 汪雪黎. She turned 19 last week, she is a Chinese-Korean mixed that stays in California. She joined the Superhero program under the Stark industry 3 months ago and is one of the best trainees with high potential. Her brother is currently in the Super fighter program together with a young master. According to her report, her power Is to heal but she has the potential to be very dangerous because she can extract life-force from living things and store it for other usages." The subordinate politely handed over the document he just gathered to WenWu.

"Hm." He hummed as an answer, his gaze never once left the girl that's healing his son, those mysterious white glow...


"Okay, you're good to go." Chloe tapped Shang-chi who fell asleep because it was too comfortable, " I've just inserted some life force into you and healed most of the internal injuries you got from previous fights." Chloe didn't ask why about the underlying injuries since her brother got a lot of injuries too as a kid due to excessive training.

" force?"

" um yeah, I kind of collected them from plants, especially trees. I usually just take a little from them to make sure they don't get hurt from it." Chloe assured, she doesn't steal life force from humans, unless they are bad guys. She almost sucked out the life force of WenWu's man when they barged in with knives and guns.

"Wow..". Shang-Chi seemed impressed and have more questions but stopped when he saw the man opening the door, announcing the arrival of his father.

"I see you all are done." WenWu nod his head, " I have the helicopter prepared right outside, shall we go?" WenWu posed it as a question but judging from his tone and body language, it is a statement.

" ah alright then. I need to go back, my team is waiting for me. I'll let them know Shang-chi got some emergencies to tend to." Chloe said with a smile, relieved that she's finally able to leave this room filled with dangerous people but also a hinge of disappointment she can't understand.

"You're coming with us."


" you're coming with us." WenWu repeated," you've done us a big favor, of course, we can't just let you go without a proper thank you." He opened his arms with a gentle smile as if it was just a sincere invitation.

" dad..." Shang-Chi tried to interrupt, he know how dangerous his father is and him being so unusually talkative to Chloe is a huge red flag but WenWu just ignored him.

"Uh..." Chloe hesitated, trying to think of a proper way to reject without sounding impolite but WenWu cut her off. " come on, the helicopter is already here, we shouldn't keep the driver waiting."

With that, Chloe had no other choice but to follow.

... To be continued

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the series so far and If you do, do hit the vote button and comment what you think about it!

If you're interested to read my other WenWu fanfic, you could go to my AO3 Account.


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