The ComicCon Conundrum

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Sheldon stood in the mirror, and admired his work. His Superman outfit was nothing short of sublime - he knew that Leonard would love it.


It was still hard to believe that all that happened... with Raj and Howard too? Could it have been a dream? It was almost too unrealistic. Last night was a long blur, but Sheldon knew deep down that that kind of pleasure couldn't be faked, couldn't be a dream. That was real. And he craved it even more.

He walked over to Leonard's room. It's stench of mould and bodily fluids could be smelled from the hallway Silently, he pressed his ear up to the door.

The snoring of Leonard indicated to Sheldon that he was clearly fast asleep, and Sheldon had lots of time to kill before the con. He wanted to wake him up but... he didn't want to anger Leonard. He was probably still antsy since last night.

Sheldon Cooper gathered everything he would need for the con. Tickets, snacks, money. It was all there. Due to his lack of sleep from the incredibly aggressive, passionate night he had just had, he decided to sleep for a couple hours. He set his alarm, and drifted off, mind full of thoughts about Leonard.


Leonard stood over Sheldon, shaking him awake.

"Wake up sleepyhead. We're gonna miss the con!"

Sheldon's eyes opened, instantly awake to admire Leonard in his oversized batman outfit. He was beautiful, he thought. The peak of masculinity.

"Of course, Leonard, I already gathered all of our things on the table over there." said Sheldon in a dazed state. "Now, about last night..."

"I don't want to talk about it" quickly snapped Leonard, his face going a deep shade of red. "Don't you tell Penny about this, or anyone else for that matter!"

Sheldon was shocked. Just last night, they had been shafting each other senseless (with a little help from their friends) and now, Leonard is trying to cover it up? You can't just explore each others bodies for multiple hours and act like it never happened, act like everything is fine to your partner.

He brushed it off. Sheldon didn't want an argument this early to ruin the rest of the day. The con was gonna be great.


Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj paraded through the con, each garbed in outfits that somehow made them look more like sex offenders.

"This is great!" exclaimed Raj "Now about last night..."

"Now is NOT the time, Raj!"

"I don't think Leonard want's to talk about it at the moment."

"We can't act like it never happened!"

The men all spoke over each other - It was clear that the group wanted Leonard to accept what happened. He can't run away from his demons forever.

"Fine" uttered Leonard. "Lets do this somewhere privately - your causing a scene."

Leonard led the men over to a maintenance room tucked away in the depths of the convention centre. It was small and warm, and looked like nobody had been there in years.

"Gee it's kind of hot in here, don't you think guys?" said Howard.

"Dark as well! I can hardly see a thing!" remarked Sheldon.

These conditions were eerily similar to what transpired last night. The sexual tension in the room was thick.

"I think we should really go back to the con..." Sheldon muttered "It's quite dingy in here"

Sheldon's fist grasped the handle of the door, and turned it. To his shock...

It didn't open.

Here he was, trapped in a dark boiler room with the 3 men he had previously embraced so intimately. Immediately, the group exploded into a furious squabble.

"What do we do now?"

"This is your fault Leonard!"

"My fault?"

"Don't blame it on him!"

"Who got us stuck in here?"

"I didn't lock the door!"

"Oh Raj"

"We're trapped!"

Every man fell silent. Only the hum of the pipes could be heard over a wet thrusting sound. The men looked at each others silhouettes in the darkness. Sheldon, Howard and Leonard stood shoulder to shoulder. So whose voice was it... 

"Oh Stuart"

Then they knew  

How had this happened? How did he slip in? How did he slip into Raj?

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I'm thinking what your thinking, pal!"


"Oh Stuart"

"Oh Leonard"

"Oh Sheldon"

"Oh Howard"

"Oh Raj"

The men where in a complex heap on the floor, obscured by the darkness once again. Their discarded outfits on the ground, getting drenched in the sweat and fluids of each man as they ravaged each other.

Sounds of the men fornicating reverberated around the room in a chorus of pleasure from each of the beta males. 

This shocking display lasted many hours, late into the hours of the con. By the end of it, each man felt like they truly knew each other better than before, and that's saying something after the last night they had shared together. And the addition of Stuart? Well there was no complaints there, that's for sure.

"That was even better than last time" shouted Howard in ecstasy.

"There was a last time... without me?" said Stuart, still panting from the vicious pounding he had just received.

"Hey that reminds me..." said Sheldon, avoiding the question entirely "How did you get in here?"

"Well the truth is that I was overwhelmed by the con! I needed somewhere to hide out and compose myself for a bit. And when you guys came in, and I heard what you were talking about..."

"Hey it's alright" retorted Leonard "Just don't tell anyone about this, and get on your way"

Stuart gathered his drenched clothes and unlocked the door, having had the keys this entire time. He stumbled out the room with bow legs, closing it behind him.

"Guys..." said Raj with a shaky voice "There's something I need to tell you. Something very important."

"We're all ears, Raj"

"I have AIDS"



part 3 coming soon 

maybe not

i dont fuckin know

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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