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It was the next morning and the two were on the huge bean bag sleeping together. Dazai had arms around Chuuya's waist, while Chuuya was resting his head on Dazai's chest. They both have never been this comfortable while sleeping.


Dazai was in the bathroom right now looking at the bruises Chuuya gave him, ever since they woke up Chuuya freaked out and punched Dazai. But then He punched Dazai again because they were sleeping together and Chuuya wasn't too fond of that.

"Did you seriously have to punch me?" Dazai said still in pain. "Shut up! You never woke me up to actually go to bed! Instead you made me sleep with your ass!" Chuuya said very pissed. "But seriously you have to admit you liked it. I mean you even turned red just by the sight of you in my arms!" Dazai chuckled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU WANT ANOTHER PUNCH?!" Chuuya yelled so loud that it echoed.

Dazai and Chuuya spent the remainder of the day together. Dazai of course teased Chuuya throughout the day which Chuuya would swing punches at him sometimes, but Dazai was already getting used to it he dodged each punch.

They both agreed that they would end the challenge early since they had school tomorrow and that can't possibly work.

But Dazai knew he was starting to like Chuuya. Because every time he looked right into his beautiful ocean-like eyes his heart would start thumping fast and he felt butterflies in his stomach.

And same thing for Chuuya. He loved walking right next to Dazai while they would go to different places and Dazai would show him different things. Plus when he woke up to him in Dazai's arms he felt this weird feeling in his whole body he never felt before.

Later on Dazai thought it was about time for Chuuya to go back home, which he and Chuuya didn't want. They both wanted to stay together for a little longer. Even if they only knew each other for 2 days.

"Well here we are." Chuuya and Dazai just arrived at the subway. Dazai gave directions on where to stop to get off. They both exchanged numbers that way they could text or call. As they said their goodbyes, Chuuya got on the subway and left.

Dazai couldn't help but watch Chuuya's subway leave as he started getting further away from Dazai, Dazai felt this feeling almost as if he wanted Chuuya already.

But it's not like Chuuya didn't feel the same as the subway started moving. He kept staring at the tall brunette as he couldn't see him in sight.

Once Chuuya got home he threw himself onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. He kept telling himself 'you don't like him, you don't like him. Right?' Dazai couldn't help but think about Chuuya. He tried reading his book about suicide, but the image of the ginger made him even more sad that he was gone.

As the sky was getting darker, Chuuya started getting ready for bed. But he couldn't fall asleep, he really wanted Dazai right by his side. So just to get his mind off of Dazai he scrolled through his phone.

But then he got a sudden message and he imminently knew who it was. Dazai, Chuuya clicked on the message supper fast and read it. 'Goodnight Chibi! :)' Chuuya's mood got a little better and of course Chuuya responded. 'Goodnight waste of bandages. -_-' Now both of them were able to sleep peacefully.


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