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"I can't believe a Senju is raising that monster"

"If her great grandfather was still alive, he would have disowned her"

You press Naruto against your embrace, as you enter Ramen Ichiraku shop.

Kakashi enters after you, carrying the baby bag, but makes sure to give the two women a sharp glare which made them walk out quickly.

"Ah, it is so good to see you, again, (Y/n), and you have also brought your baby with you" you smile at the older man.

Yes, most people call him your baby, because you take good care of him.

As much as it makes you happy, but it also makes you sad that Minato and Kushina didn't live long to see Naruto grow.

Actually, it is the first time in a long time, you go out and eat.

After Kakashi orders for both of you, you are quite surprised to find him order exactly what you like.

"Umm...wow, how did you know that I like my ramen that way, Kakashi?" you ask him.

Indeed, the only person you went to the reman shop with, was Obito, no one else.

"I just guessed" the silver-haired boy lies smoothly.

"...oh ok"

Kakashi knows everything about you, your favorite food, your favorite drinks, your likes, your dislikes.

And most importantly, the size of your clothes.

The moment you and his ramen bowls arrive, Naruto starts turning around and looks at the bowl.

The blond baby squeal, before trying to reach out towards the bowl.

"Naruto, no" you grab into his small hands before he could touch the steaming noodles.

Naruto starts wailing loudly, attracting the attention of everyone in the shop.

Kakashi is quick to act and wraps a few noodles around his chopsticks, before blowing on them.

He then feeds it to Naruto, who munched on them happily.

"Kakashi, no, this might be harmful to him" you scold your friend who just shrugs.

"I read that babies above six months can eat noodles" you are surprised at his explanation.

"You...read...books about babies?"

"Yes, what is so surprising about that?" you giggle, as you grab a napkin and wipe Naruto's mouth.

"I don't know maybe it is the fact that you only read this one perverted book."

Kakashi blushes and looks away from you.

He is blushing at the fact that you think that he is perverted.

Once his face calms down, he looks at you again.

"Well, I'm trying to learn for you"

It is now your turn to get flustered by his words.

You don't which book is he learning from, for you.

Is it the icha icha paradise?


The baby books?

Little do you know, it is both.

Suddenly Naruto tags on your hair, causing you to snap out of your thoughts.


The baby squeals out, before leaning into your embrace with a happy smile on his cute chubby face.


The moment you return home, you get Naruto to sleep as it is already late.

How you notice a note laying in his cradle.

You open it and start reading it slowly.

Soon, I will come for you and him, so we all could be a family


After you finish, you frown deeply, not understanding who is that Tobi person.

But, it made you realize that you and Naruto are in danger.

𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙧✓ 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙤 𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨Where stories live. Discover now