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"Stop running around or you are going to fall, Naru" you yell from the kitchen.

"Okay, Mama~"

The five-year-old exclaims but doesn't stop running around while holding his toys up in the air imagining them as flying ninjas.

You let out a sigh but smile slightly at how hyperactive the child is.

It has been five years since you had become Uzumaki's guardian and mother figure.

Also, you haven't seen Obito since then.

Yes, some days were considered to be hard on you, especially the day you told Naruto that you weren't his biological mother.

However, you managed to get past those days, thank god, and also with Kakashi's help.

Naruto also calls Kakashi 'Papa' as a habit he picked up since he turned two.

Considering how Kakashi is the only male figure in his life.

Suddenly, Naruto enters the kitchen while holding his toy fox, he wraps his small arms around your legs.

You giggle, looking down at the child who looks up at you.

"I love mama!"  he exclaims.

Your heart flatters, letting go of the wooden chopsticks, you pick up your son and attack his cheeks with lots of kisses.

"Mama also loves her baby chick very much, indeed she does"

You once again pick the wooden chopsticks, while still holding Naruto on your hip.

"Want to have a taste?" you ask, picking a piece of a rice cake.

"Yes, please, mama!"

You blow on the rice cake before feeding it to the young child, who takes it into his mouth happily.

"I'm home" you turn around quickly only to see the copycat ninja standing at the kitchen door with crossed arms.

"Kakashi, You scared me!" He shrugs.

"Hello, Papa" Naruto greets,  waving his hand.

Kakashi waves his hand back lazily, smiling under the mask.


You roll your eyes playfully at the heartwarming interaction.

"You know I wouldn't have given you the house keys if I knew you would jump scare me" Kakashi titles his head.

"Maybe it would just be easier if you moved in with me"

He suggests while helping you place food into plates.

You raise a surprised eyebrow at him.

"On what occasion, wouldn't it be considered weird?"

Indeed, you two are best friends, so it would be strange for the both of you to live together.

"Not if you agree on one thing," Kakashi says.

"Which is?"

"Becoming my girlfriend"


Pain stares down at the photo with a stoic expression as Konan.           
It's a photo of you standing beside Kakashi while holding Naruto on your hips.

"The child and the Senju girl" Pain states, still not removing his eyes from the picture.

"We are already working on it" Konan reassure with a blunt tone.

Naruto is needed for the nine tails fox chakra.

Meanwhile, Pain needs you...for something more personal.

𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙧✓ 𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙤 𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨Where stories live. Discover now