Chapter 5

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"Ponyboy Curtis and Keith Mathews, please report to the Principal's office." The tinny voice of the school secretary split through the silence of fifth period history class as the announcement was made over the school's PA system. Ponyboy's pencil froze in mid-sentence, his answer to the test question forgotten.

The guy behind him, a soc, kicked his chair and started to snicker. Pony pushed his chair back into the guy's knee and whispered, "Quit it, man." Suddenly, his teacher appeared next to his desk, a hall pass in his hand.

"But the test, Mr. McKay." Ponyboy couldn't believe he was actually begging to stay in class and finish a test, but a test sure as hell beat the Principal's office. Nothing good ever happened there.

"I'm sorry, Ponyboy, but you have to go. You can finish the test later." He handed him the slip and Pony grabbed his books and left the classroom.

He walked slowly down the hall, trying to prolong the meeting he was dreading. Mr. Clark scared him, plain and simple. Whenever he was around him he felt guilty, even if there was nothing for him to feel guilty about.

He tried to think of what he could have possibly done that would cause him to be called to the office and couldn't come up with anything. Two-Bit, now there's a different story. Pony wasn't even sure if Two-Bit was still in school, he usually skipped out by fourth period.

Butterflies settled in his stomach when he reached his destination. He took a steadying breath and schooled his features into what he hoped was his best "I don't care about this shit" expression Dally told him to use whenever confronted with cops, girls, or the principal. Although he was pretty sure what it really conveyed was "I really shouldn't of had that second hot dog at lunch".


Pony was surprised to see Two-Bit was already there, sitting in one of the ugly, orange chairs. Actually, lounging was more like it. Pony couldn't believe how relaxed he looked.

Two-Bit gave him a huge grin. "Howdy, Pone. Fancy meetin' you here."

Ponyboy slumped into the adjoining chair. "Hey, Keith," he said, stressing the name Two-Bit hated. Two-Bit's response was a quick slap across the back of Pony's head, which earned him a scolding glare from the secretary who was sitting across from them.

Fixing his hair, Pony leaned over and whispered, "So, what did you do, man? And how did I get mixed up in it?"

"Geez, Pony. Have a little faith, OK. I don't know why they called us. I mean there was ... naw, they can't know about that yet."

"Know about what? Two-Bit, I swear ..." Pony didn't finish, his words trailing off when the door to the guidance counselor's office opened. He didn't think he'd ever seen anyone actually walk in slow motion before, but that's what it looked like when Cherry stepped through the doorway. She was laughing at something the counselor was saying, a stack of college brochures cradled in her arms. She pushed her red hair behind her shoulder, a gesture that was so feminine, so Cherry, that Pony felt a cold sweat breakout on his brow.

He was standing up before he knew what was happening. Ignoring Two-Bit's whispered "go get her, kid", Pony made his way over to her. Cherry had her hand on the door handle when he reached her. He wished he'd stayed in his seat when he saw her shoulders slump.

"Pony, no," she said softly.

"Cherry, can't we at least talk?" Ponyboy winced as he said it. He didn't sound tough. He sounded like such a loser - begging a girl to give him the time of day.

Slowly, she turned around and looked him in the eyes. She looked so sweet and earnest that Ponyboy felt his breath catch.

"Ponyboy, with Bob and everything that happened, I just can't be friends with you right now." Well, Pony thought, that was certainly to the point.

"Maybe in a few months ... I don't know," she continued. "Right now everything is still really raw, you dig?"

"Yeah, I dig. You don't want your friends to see you with a greaser. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation." Pony knew he sounded like a petulant child, but he couldn't make himself stop. He turned on his heel and headed back to his chair.

He could feel her eyes on him, but he ignored her. Slouched in the chair with his arms crossed, he looked straight ahead, willing Principal Clark's door to open so that he could get out of this stifling room. The bell for the next class rang. Cherry paused at the door for a moment longer before stepping into the busy hallway.

As soon as she left, Two-Bit chuckled and said, "What was that all about?"

Ponyboy shrugged and said, "Women."

The intercom buzzed on the secretary's desk. She looked up at them. "Boys, you can head on in now."


Two-Bit had a huge grin on his face as they entered the office. "Hey, Jim, how's it hangin'?"

"Keith, have a seat, please. You too, Ponyboy." Principal Clark was a large and imposing man. Two-Bit apparently felt no fear around the man, but he intimidated the hell out of Ponyboy.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here -"

"I didn't do it," Two-Bit interrupted. "Well, okay, I may have done it - but Pony is innocent."

"Keith," Mr. Clark sighed, "I suggest you quit while you're ahead. You're not here because you've done something wrong."

Pony and Two-Bit exchanged a startled glance.

"Um, sir, why are we here?" Ponyboy asked cautiously.

"Your brother will explain everything, he called to let us know he's on his way." As if on cue, the door opened and Darry stepped into the office. Mr. Clark stepped over to him, greeting him warmly.

It took a few moments for Ponyboy to process the fact that his brother was standing here in the middle of a school day. Darry would never miss a day of work unless something really terrible had happened. Something like what happened to their parents.

"Darry ..." he started, but Darry was busy talking to Mr. Clark.

Bet Darry never caused any problems when he went here, Pony thought. He was a dream student - straight A's, football star, perfect future laid out before him. Amazing how a split second can bring everything to a screeching halt.

Darry felt awkward standing there, carrying on a conversation while his little brother looked on, obviously anxious to hear what he had to say. He couldn't find a way to get away from the guy who obviously still clung to the past. He'd graduated two years ago, leaving behind his football dreams. He'd moved on, it wasn't worth dredging it all up again.

He caught a glimpse of Pony's face. It was pale, stricken – like when Soda suggested bologna for lunch the other day. He cleared his throat, hoping to interrupt his former principal.

"Well, give it some thought and get in touch with me next week." Mr. Clark said, extending his hand.

"Um, yes, sir. I will do that," Darry had no idea what he just agreed to as he shook the older man's offered hand.

Pony caught bits and pieces of their conversation. It seemed to revolve around football and he thought he heard something about an assistant coach. Whatever it was, Ponyboy was certain it wasn't about him. He shifted nervously in his chair, accidentally knocking a cup of pens over on the desk. That caught their attention.

Mr. Clark rushed over, gathered up his pens and cleared his throat. "Sorry about that, boys. Darry here was a star pupil in his day and we just got a little caught up in reminiscing."

Pony couldn't stand the wait any longer. "Darry, is something wrong? Is Soda hurt? Why aren't you at work?"

Darry kneeled next to Ponyboy's chair, looking him in the eye. "Easy, Pony. Soda's fine. I'm here about Johnny."

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