Chapter Twenty-One

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I know this chapter is short, but I knew ya'll wouldn't want a cliff hanger. Plus I'm on a writing kick this afternoon. I am seriously getting close to finishing this book! Oh my gosh! I am so happy at the feedback this has gotten and I thank God for each and every one of you. I've already got ideas for a sequal that may or may not appear on wattpad, but it proably will. I seriously need help for a new title. I've mentioned some possible titles in my last authors note, but no feedback yet :(. I love you all!


A horrified silence took over the room. Shock was written on everyone’s faces, Amara’s included.

                “Poisoned?” Mica spat.

                “” Lucin stuttered, utterly shocked.

                “I don’t know, why, nor how, I just know she was,” Melvin said, holding a hand up. “She was poisoned by the Suckle berry. It is a berry that when eaten fresh is perfectly harmless, but when ground up and mixed with water, it turns into a fine powder that can be hidden in almost any food or drink,”

                “Is it fatal? Will she be okay?” Mica insisted.

                “Yes, she will be fine. Trust me; if she was going to die she would have already. Whoever did this knew what they were doing. The Suckle berry powder is a difficult thing to use. Too little, the victim will be unaffected, just a little too much and the person will die in agony. It takes a patient, careful person to measure just enough to sicken, not kill,”

                “Whatever sick twisted snake did this will pay one thousand times over for this,” Lucin claimed, fuming with anger. All anger disappeared from his face as a small noise escaped from Amara’s lips as she fell back against her pillow.

                “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Lucin pressed, at her side immediately.

                She waved him away, “Its nothing, I just suddenly felt tired that’s all,”

                “That’s to be expected, it takes quite a lot for your body to rid itself of the poison. It will take a few days for you to recover. I suggest you take it easy. Don’t over exert yourself,” Melvin explained. “Now, please, let’s give Queen Amara some peace and quiet,” Melvin said ushering Gareth and Mica out the door.

                He nearly left himself, but stopped, “Here,” he said handing Lucin some small pills, “Give her one of these to help her sleep. Her body needs as much rest as it can get,”

                Lucin accepted the pill and thanked the doctor again. After Melvin left, Lucin gave her a pill.

                He got up to leave, but Amara stopped him, “Please don’t go. Please stay. I don’t want to go to sleep; I had these awful dreams,”

                “They were probably from the fever,”

                “I know, but they were still vivid and terrifying…”

                Lucin smiled at her, as he slipped his boots off. “Of course I’ll stay,”

                He slipped under the covers with her and wrapped a comforting arm around her. He gently traced circles on her arm, lulling her to sleep.

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