[I] One falls, One triumphs

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"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort screamed.

Harry closed his eyes as he accepted his fate and was blown backwards by the killing curse to a nearby tree. Nevertheless, Narcissa knew he was alive ,but she was wrong. She leaned over Harry's body, whispering to him if Draco was alive. But there was no response. Voldemort and his Death Eaters shouted with joy and forced Hagrid to carry Harry's dead corpse back to Hogwarts Castle. Voldemort gained full control of the Elder Wand.

"Harry? HARRY!" Ginny, and Hermione broke into sobs as they saw the mangled body of Harry in Hagrid's arms. Ron was so shocked that he couldn't utter a word.
" Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort savoured the fear in everyone's faces (of course not the Death Eaters) as he said every word.

"Now all of you should put your faith... in me. You are all fighting a lost cause. Surrender now and no more magical blood will be spilled, unlike what you think, I may have mercy upon those who beg for it."

"NEVER!" Neville  shrieked while he pulled the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat.

Instead of making a move, Voldemort simply snorted at this feeble attempt to scare him. "Ah, Longbottom," Voldemort spoke "As i recall, your parents are still at St. Mungo's recovering from permanent brain damage. Perhaps you would like to join them?" Voldemort and his Death Eaters laughed while Ron, Hermione and Ginny used their combined efforts to stop Neville from rushing towards the Dark Lord.

Now, would anyone like to join the winning side of ours? Join us, and be rewarded with power, fame and glory.' Voldemort said to the Hogwarts regime. "No? What a pity...  BOMBARDA  MAXIMA!"  The elder wand cooperated with Voldemort fully,due to the previous owner of the wand, Harry was murdered by him.

The entire section of the castle wall was demolished in seconds. Somehow, the ancient enchantments protecting the castle has lifted and everyone can apparate from the warzone. "Ron! Ginny! Neville! Take my hand!" Hermione screamed to them over the death and destruction.

With one last look at Voldemort cackling and destroying their former childhood home, they started to to disapparate, but was stopped by a sudden "wait!". It was Draco Malloy. Ron was the first to respond "Shove off, Malfoy! Join your Death Eater father and mother!" Draco said "No, you don't understand! Please take me with you!" Without anyone's protest during that critical moment, Draco touched Ron's shoulder and disapparated together. Leaving the destructive surge of Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Unfortunately, Voldemort witnessed their apparition and sent Greyback and Yaxley after them. But he also saw Draco apparate with them. Voldemort seized Lucius around the throat ,hoisted him and spat the words "Your wretched son went after the blood traitors, he is a spy, I presume?"
Lucius, still being choked, forcibly said "Yes, my lord. He is at their headquarters as we speak." "It better be, Lucius. Or I'll slaughter your son along with the blood traitors." With that, he dropped Lucius to the ground. But in his heart, Lucius knew that Draco was not a spy and wanted to help them.

After Voldemort disapparated, Narcissa went to Lucius. "What should we do? We can't just stand here and watch our son being hunted down!" Being trapped between the decision of family or loyalty, he replied "I don't know what to do either, dear. He was a disappointment anyway." Though he said this, he said it half-heartedly, he certainly did not want to see his son dead, but he had no other choice but to pretend he was a spy for Voldemort. He sighed and started to depart to Malfoy Manor with Narcissa.

Off to a depressing start, isn't it? Chill, I'm no Rick Riordan, I won't kill off the main characters like how he killed Jason unless I have to (HAHAHAHAHA) Just kidding.

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