-[Chapter 2]-

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Unknown Alleyway

After insulting the Entity the Beheaded checks his surroundings for a few seconds. Seeing nobody near him in the damp and disgusting alleyway he prepares to leave it. Until he realized that he doesn't know anything about this world yet.

Shit, you gotta be kidding me. Bastard didn't even tell me anything about this place.

Signing in annoyance he turns around a corner but than he sees a man and a strange creature. The creature's body seems to be made out of a rock like substance.

What the hell is that? Is that an infected? How the hell is the malaise here? I thought this was a different world.

Panicking for a second he than hears the two figures speaking.

"Heh who knew that stealing would be so easy. Heroes couldn't even catch us." Spoke the man.

"You right Ringo." Replied the rock creature with a weird accent and a limited vocabulary.

The Beheaded sees that the two of them are just thieves. And the rock creature isn't actually infected, probably what the inhabitants of this world looks like or something like that. Not really interested in them he prepares to leave until the two men saw his shadow.

"Hey! You over there we can see you don't you fucking run away!"

"Yeah get here now!"

The Beheaded stops to glare at the two buffoons and with reluctance stops. As he turns around to look at them the man starts to change his arm into drills and the rock creature started to shape the earth into a giant hammer.

What the FUCK! How the hell did they do that? Like I understand how rocks for brains can do that but the other guy turning his arms into drills!? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

Knowing that he won't get out of here without a fight the Beheaded starts to walk closer to the two thus revealing his full appearance.

"What the fuck are you? That's not normal! Never saw such a ugly person before." Screamed the man with drill arms.

"Maybe quirk Ringo?"

"No shit Robert." The man replied with a tone of annoyance.

"HEY! NO INSULT ME!" Insulted by his partners reply.

The Beheaded wondered what they meant by "quirk". He is in a different world after all so he needs as much information as he obtain.

As the two continue to bicker amongst themselves the Beheaded grows tired of they senseless ramblings pulls out his broken sword. The sword is missing the top half, while it is broken it is still a dangerous weapon.

"Look at that fool he thinks he can fight us with that broken toy of his! Hey! Give us all your money and we might just let you go, fair enough?" As the man's companion started giggling to himself like some idiot.

Wow. That's so damn cliche I might actually die from the cringe.

Facepalming at his opponents cringey speech he immediately bolts towards the closest target which is the rock man. Seeing that the man is... well covered in rocks instead of stabbing or slashing him chooses to kick the man's family jewels so fucking hard the man almost splits in half.

Considering he was made of rocks that was fucking impressive. As blood spews out of the rock mans carcass like a water fountain, it covers the other thief. Now realizing how fucked he is he almost shits his pants. Well he did piss his pants though.

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