-[Chapter 5]-

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Unknown Forest

Within the dead of night, as the earth rumbles deep below the surface. A large skeletal hand erupts from the earth. As cracks form across the terrain another hand emerges as debris is shot everywhere and trees are uprooted. And from deep underground, a giant skeleton fully emerges.

Its right socket seems to be pierced by a blade, it dons a giant bronze chest plate, a crown-like helmet, and a pair of pauldrons with three stripes with the King's sigil on each one. As it looks around its surroundings it speaks in an unknown language.

"This is not the haven. I do not seem to be on the Island anymore, where am I?"

He seems to be in a mountainous area. Surveying the area he sees lights off in the distance filled with different colors, almost like magic.

"A city perhaps? No, I must not go. For they might not know of me."

The Giant prepares to leave but as he did so he smells something (Though it doesn't make sense since he's a Skelton).

"My... King?" Questioned the Giant.

The scent of the King is always recognizable by him. He was a part of the royal guard after all. Looking at the direction to the city he knows the King is somewhere there, just not his exact location. The King, a model to the civilians, a ruler... and an incorrigible ASS.

"How could this be? This doesn't seem to my world, so how did he manage to get here?"

Hearing voices from far away he retreats back into the hole he came from, covering up his surroundings and replanting the trees to where they once were. Leaving the area through an underground cave system he woke up and leaves the area.

The only trace that he was there was a gigantic handprint embedded into the earth. And a pile of dirt and rock.

'I shall find you, my King. To serve once more. Still an asshole though.' Thought the Giant.

Traversing through the earth the Giant disappears deep underground towards the city where his King is located.


Achoo! Was someone talking behind my back?

Looking around the Beheaded finished reading all the articles about parenting. Hearing his doorbell ring he walks to his front door. Cautiously opening it he sees a package on the ground.

Opening it he sees a flash with a strange orange liquid inside of it along with a strange cell in the middle, it was his Health Flash!

HELL YEAH! Finally, I can heal now. Oh, look a note.

Picking up the note it reads:

To you the outsider,

This world is in need of aid and you must save it. In order for you to complete your mission, We will deliver your equipment weekly. Your flask will refill once every 24 hours. We have also prepared your documents for this world as well. Your financial situation will have to be sorted out by yourself.

What do you mean 'By yourself.' I don't have much cash on me right now! You gotta be kidding me.

Crumpling the paper in frustration he tosses the into the trash can. Looking into the box again he finds a giant broadsword, a pair of twin daggers, and a whistle seemly made out of brass with a skull on it.

What? Why is his whistle here? Does that mean he's here as well? Interesting.

Leaving his weapons on a table. He checks the box noting there's nothing left he tosses it into the trash. Noticing that it's midnight he decides to head to do some hunting. Grabbing his equipment he leaves the apartment. It's getting stuffy inside a building doing nothing but reading for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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