-[Chapter 4]-

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Musutafu City

So this is it, Musutafu City.

Arriving in the city the Beheaded decides to wake up the little girl leaning on him. With a small nudge, Eri stirs a little and wakes up.

"Where are we mister?" She asked a bit drowsy.

Pointing towards a sign with the word Musutafu on it, the Beheaded gets out of his seat waiting for the sleepy girl to fully wake. As Eri gets off her seat her stomach suddenly growls. Embarrassed, a blush appears on her face.

Noticing this, the Beheaded knows that she is hungry he looks around to see where he could buy her some food.

What do children like to eat? Sweets I think?

Finding an ice cream cart he points towards it. Eri noticing the man was pointing towards something looked in the direction his figure was pointing at. Seeing that it was someone selling ice cream she felt her stomach rumble a bit telling her that she was hungry. Feeling embarrassed she looks up at the man and he holds out his hands to her.

The Beheaded meanwhile wants to get this over quickly. Having a child who is hungry is not good from what an article said. As Eri holds his hands, he guides her towards the vendor.

"Hello, what could I get you today?" Spoke the vendor.

Gesturing towards which type of flavor she wants he sees that she was just staring at him.

"A-are you sure I can have s-some? I-I don't want t-to bother y-you, you a-already help m-me so much." She asked while stuttering.


With a nod, he heard the girl mutter a silent "thank you". Eri now with a bit more confidence asks for a strawberry-flavored ice cream cone. Hearing her answer he points to the strawberry flavored cone. As the vendor saw that he prepares a cone and scoops up the cold desert.

"That would be 263 yen."

Pulling out his wallet the Beheaded hands over the money and receives the cone. Handing over the cone to Eri the two proceed to leave the area and sit on a bench. Looking around at the plaza the Beheaded sees many signs and billboards with stuff he has never seen before. Including something about a school called "U.A".

Wonder what that is. I think it is a hero school or something like that. Don't know, don't care.

As Eri looks down at the food she got, she felt bad for being a nuisance for the man. He did save her from him after all. He cared for her, when she saw his eyes he saw genuine kindness. Looking up at the man she sees him looking at his phone.

Feeling something touch her hand she notices her ice cream cone was melting she digs into her food immediately. 'Hmm~ tasty.'

After Eri finished her food the Beheaded thought about renting an apartment. Leaving the plaza the Beheaded realized it won't be that simple. Mainly because he didn't have an ID or anything else like that.

Shit, what do I do know? Maybe that entity prepared me something?

Checking his pouch he sees many documents and lots of random stuff he doesn't know he sorts through them. Eri meanwhile was wondering what he was doing. Pulling out all paperwork and documents he along with Eri heads towards a real estate office.

Time skip since I'm too tired to write the entire transaction

With all the paperwork and other incredibly tedious work done the two somehow managed to rent a danchi as they called it. Moving into their new home, Eri looks around at the unfamiliar area around her. She was always in a dull steel room and had never seen a normal room before.

The Beheaded nudges Eri to look around the place if she wants to. Nodding, Eri wanders around the place looking at furniture, plates, and other things. Looking at her clothing and his own as well, the Beheaded needs to buy better clothing.

As Eri was staring at a T.V, she almost trips because of the oversized scarf she has on. Holding her hands out she prepares to meet the ground until she felt a hand grab onto her waist. Looking to her side she sees the Beheaded's holding onto her so she doesn't fall.

"S-sorry..." she quickly apologized as she trembled a little. Holding her hands to reassure her that it wasn't her fault and to calm her down the Beheaded pulls out his phone and types down something.

"What are you doing mister?" Questioned the girl.

Holding out the phone to show her the screen the words on it reads: "You need better clothing. I go shopping, you want to come?"

Looking down at her old clothes he nods her head.

"Y-yes I would like to come."

Hearing her answer to two leave their apartment and lock the door, head to the nearest mall.


Arriving at a clothing store they head in to check out the clothes they have.

Fashion is weird here, I mean look at some of these there's a shirt with some weird blonde guys' faces on it's. Something cheap and simple.

Looking around he finds a t-shirt some cargo pants and a turtleneck.

Perfect. Now, what would she like to wear?

Eri was looking at some pajamas with bunnies on it. Noticing the Beheaded's stare she quickly focuses on something else. The Beheaded gestures towards the different dresses and clothing asking what type of clothing she wants.

"I-I uh, I don't mind which o-one you chose."

Nodding the Beheaded goes and gets a white dress shirt along with a red pinafore with a pair of grey tights. He also got a somewhat large boot which he didn't understand why it was for children. I mean look at them!

Getting other different dresses, pants and other clothes he also got the bunny pajamas he saw her looking at.

"T-thank you, you really didn't have to." Muttered the small girl.

Shaking his head he guides the two of them to the cashier and pays for their items.

So expensive my lord.

After buying their items they head into a grocery store to buy some food along the way. Cooking is something he probably has to learn sooner than later. Paying for their groceries they head back home as it started to turn late.

Damn, how long have we been out? Time really does go fast.


Opening their door and turning on the lights, the Beheaded prepares their clothing and food. Putting the food in the fridge and handing Eri's pajamas to her as they prepare to sleep. Well at least Eri will sleep, he's a homunculus after all.

Once Eri was in her bed she snuggles into the warm blankets and prepares to sleep.

"Thank you for everything mister." She quietly mutters as she drifts off to sleep.

Leaving her room the Beheaded goes to check his phone he looks up articles about "How to Cook" and "How to parent children". Sitting down on the couch he starts to read through all those articles.


To be continued

A/N: Sorry if I write the canon characters OOC since I'm not good at writing them.

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