4 | Bunny, Bunny

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At first, Melone couldn't figure out why (Y/n) was crying.

He had just got home from a two-day trip, a hit that took longer than usual, to find the one person he was looking forward to seeing the most, in hysterics.

Crumpled on the floor, tucked into the corner with their knees pressed to their chest, (Y/n) let their shoulders rack endlessly as all but whimpers fled their mouth, incoherent mumbles mixed into their squeaks. Should he go in there and find out what the matter was, or was it best to let them be?

Ah, but it tore at his heart to see them like that, his body reacting faster than his mind and hurdling him toward the woeful little nurse, who, almost instinctively, clung to him upon contact.

He wasn't even sure they knew it was him, grasping and clawing at his shirt in a wild desperation to get him closer, their head pressed onto his shoulder to hide their face, and their legs wrapping around his waist. It all happened so fast, he wasn't even sure it occurred at all until it was done.

When the begging started, he couldn't quite make out what it was they wanted. Through the murmurs and cries, it was impossible to hear, but with patience, one could make out, 'Please don't leave me alone again.'

It was a remix of the same thing, over and over again. "Please don't leave me alone. Please don't leave me alone. I can be good, I promise. I don't want to be alone again. Please don't leave me alone."

What happened while he was gone? Surely nothing too great, despite what (y/n)s body language wants him to believe.

"Where did everybody go?!" They whimpered, so softly, so brokenly, that he could hear his own heart shatter within his chest. 

The sounds of buckled shoes clicking with heavy steps brings Melone back to reality, forcing him to turn and find Risotto right at the doorway, perplexed.

"I left for only thirty minutes." He said plainly. "I even told you where I was going, and when I'd be back."

It seemed as though this wasn't the first time they'd had a breakdown, judging by the capos defeated look. Melone couldn't quite tell if he was unimpressed with the nurse, or himself, for his sharp eyes were staring at both of them simultaneously. 

(Y/n) offered a stammered apology, their voice weak and cracking between words, as they struggled to fight against their own hands and pull themselves off Melone. 

Sighing beneath his breath, Risotto took a few strides forward, for it was all that took for his tall body to reach the other side of the room, and presented the nurse a bag of some sort. It was large, decorated primly with tissue paper of assorted colors, and striped with orange and yellow designs.

"I apologize for being late." He guided their hand, the one they managed to pry off of their friend, to the side of the bag. "I've brought you something to make up for it, which I think will help with your issue."

Sniffling, (Y/n) carefully dug their hand into the gift bag, probing its contents with their blue rubber glove before yanking out... A stuffed rabbit? By its ears, yes, a stuffed rabbit, with a ribbon tied along its neck in a bow. 

Just like how they had leapt onto Melone, they immediately brought the plush into a tight squeeze, and resumed their pity party, briefly leaning onto Risotto as a form of thanks before shuffling to their feet. 

"I'm sorry, t-too, I know it's practically impossible to expect someone to be on time.."

On time, Melone wonders. What could that mean? Was Risotto expected to be back at a certain time for something?

No, he later discovers upon asking. This was, of course, bound to be something revealed at some point, but it appeared that Risotto never expected it to be this soon. When he had told those of La Squadra the conditions of (Y/n)s services, to let them know where they go if they leave, and when they'll be back, he failed to mention exactly why. Or at least, refused to.

It's a very intense form of separation anxiety. Naturally, it had gotten better over the years, but as it stood, they can only stand an hour apart from someone, barely any longer. However, if given a set time to anticipate, (Y/n) can stay away from someone for longer.

 For example, Risotto had told them he'd be gone for only twenty minutes or so when he first left, but the moment it was even a mere minute passed that, the panic set in, and the mental breakdown started.

The stuffed animal, he had hoped, would sort of ease the feeling of loneliness when the team is away. Of course, that was still up for judgement at this point, for it meant that they'd have to leave them by themselves again.

"Really? Do you know why they're like that, then?" Like any other person, Melone was curious, but no one ever gets answers to questions like his easily.

"It's not my place to tell you. For now, I'd like to ask if you could keep them company; They seem to favor you more than the others."

It could've been because he showed them more attention than the other team members, or maybe simply because they got along well, he'd never know. 

But with this opportunity, and his (technically) permission from Risotto, he has a window to pry at their past, and get to know them even if just a bit better. However, when he finally asks the big question, he gets a reply he didn't anticipate.

"You don't think I've always been blind, do you?"

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