Color war!!!!:)

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went back to my cabin smiling with hickeys down my neck and we went to sleep. We woke up and we got dressed (outfit above lemme know if it's there or not) "babe let's go set up for color war" nick said kissing me on my soft lips "okay" I smiled lightly and we walked to the mess hall holding hands we walked in and we saw cops and and an ambulance and tommy seemed creeped out so I walked over to him "hey tommy what happened?!" I asked worried nick standing beside me "it was nurse lane she said I was gonna die and she attacked me" he said shocked "what the fuck" I said obvisouly confused like what does that mean "but I'm fine" tommy says smiling lightly "okay" me and nick say walking away "that's weird but whatever" nick said and I was still shocked and then officer kapinski came over to us "I'll let you to talk" I left and smiled lightly that's when mark came over to me "hey are you okay you're brother just got attacked by Mary lane" mark said "yeah I'm fine" I said smiling "okay good just wanted to check in" that's when I saw nick giving me an angry glare and he walked over to us he grabbed my waist "sorry buddy she's mine back the fuck off" nick said angry "Jesus I was just making sure she was okay nick- goode - for nothing" mark walked away "oh you're so jealous" I said making fun of him playfully "you're mine understand" he said whispering I nodded "good now let's go"he grabbed my waist and thats when the lunch bell rang we walked in and sat at a table and mark came over with ziggy "hey y/n" ziggy said sitting down and mark did the Same "hey zigs" I said smiling "I heard what nick said to mark" ziggy glared at nick and then looked back at me "yeah he was hitting on her" nick fake smiled at ziggy she flipped him off "mark would be so much better" ziggy whispered to y/n "ziggy I fuckin heard that" nick said loudly "good" ziggy smiled and she got up and Kurt came over "nick we have to give the speech let's go" Kurt said to nick "fine" nick said nick got up and it was just me and mark at that table "hey mark I'm so sorry for what nick said to you he's just over protective sometimes" I said with a slight smile "I would be so much better" mark said glaring at nick and nick glared back "CHICKS DICKS WE HAD A SCARY SITTUATION EARLIER BUT THAT WILL NOT STOP US COLOR WAR MUST GO ON IT IS GOOD Versus EVIL WE COMMENCEICATE  COLOR WAR!!!! Kurt said "it's commence my god" mark rolled his eyes I laughed "y/n go up" tommy gestured me to go "hi shady side let's go out there and do our very best because if we loose we are winners in our hearts!" I said happily "BOO" the Sunnyvale campers yelled but nick was clapping "THATS MY GIRL" nick yelled I blushed and sat down mark scoffed and left I frowned because he obviously really liked me and I felt bad nick came over to sit with me he kissed me "hey darling ready for color war?" Nick asked smiling "yup" I said and I sighed "let's get ready!" Nick said patting me on the back we got up and walked out and we saw Joan and Gary handing out shirts and tommy and Kurt talking to the teams me and nick laughed at kurt and then Ana and Shelia came up to me while nick was talking to Kurt "hey slut" Ana said smirking and Shelia smirked behind her "fuck off whore" I said smiling "nick doesn't like you" Ana said plainly "oh yeah?that's not what he said in my bed last night" I said loudly with a smile Nick heard and he ran over "y/n don't" nick said "no go on" Ana said to me "let's just walk away "BYE DUMB HOES" I screamed "y/n don't start fights" nick said "I don't start them I finish them" I rolled my eyes he laughed "mk" he said wanting to believe me.

Time skip
9:00 am Me and nick were watching color war when Ana came to me "hey slutty y/n heard there was an accident in cabin 3"Ana smirked I looked at her and ran to my cabin Nick following me I walked in to see my things ruined "y/n is a slut" "y/n sucks cocks in hell "y/n is a witch" i looked at it shocked my jaw open so wide and that's when Nick knocked "FUCK OFF ANA" I screamed "ITS ME NICK" nick said loudly "GO AWAY NICK" I said he walked in "holy shit,Ana?" He asked confused "no it was me, YES ANA" I said annoyed "why are you here?" I asked "I noticed you ran off so-" "you decided to stalk me" I said joking "check in" he corrected me "but you don't seem to need me so carrie- on" he smirked "OR you can listen to my idea to get her back" nick said "okay shoot" I said skeptical "we carrie her" he smirked "how?" I smirked back "science and nature" he said as he held up keys. We walked to the Science and nature cabin and put the bugs into the bucket and we ran to the bathroom after we set up we gave some kid a note to give to Ana because she had the biggest crush on nick I was about to go into a stall when Nick grabbed my waist and pulled me into one with him it was small so I was litterally sitting on his lap and we heard Ana  walking so we put on DONT leave me this way her fav song as she walked in "nick this is too cute! we could've done it in youre  bed but this is so hot, I promise I won't tell that bitch girl friend of yours" she said as she opened the stall door she picked up the note that said look up bitch xoxoxo- the witch we then pulled the rope and ran out and nick locked the door and we ran to the science and nature room we ran in "did you hear her she sounded like a frog ahhhhh" I mimicked her "what did I tell ya" nick said "FUCK PAINT" I said moving my hair "fuck paint" nick smiled "who are you?" I smiled "nick Goode you're boyfriend" he shook my hand and then pulled me in unexpectedly for a kiss we made out for like 5 minutes and he took off his shirt and I took off my pants when we heard a scream we pulled away and got changed and ran to where the scream came from "JEREMYS DEAD!!" I child cried I stood there with nick in shock we got everyone to the mess hall "that's 20!" Nick yelled to Gary "that's 30 missing at least" Gary said trying the lights and they suddenly came back on "where's tommy!" I yelled to nick "he the killer......" nick said hugging me "no" I whispered "I'm sorry babe" he said "it's okay we need to find-" "Cindy" ziggy cut me off "okay me and Gary will go just stay here" nick said grabbing a flash light "you head to 9 I head to 1" Nick said " what if the killers still out there?!?!" Gary asked "that's the whole point" nick said leaving and Gary following.

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