From the book to my heart (Tina)

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*Your POV*

Y/n- And.... updated *Sigh* This one was a funny but hard to write, I hope the readers like it.

Where do I start from? I'm Y/n I started writing fanfictions when I finished high-school, first it was a one night thing but then it became my life, I was surprised when people started reading my stories and even better they liked them. Even tho sometimes feel it like a job I love it, I wouldn't do anything else.

No one knows I do this, it's something I'm excited about but afraid to tell the world cause of how society looks at fan fictions, don't actually blame them there are some weird ones out there ain't gonna lie.

Anyways, I'm happy that my last story got so many views, it was almost at 200k, there was so many people writing comments and liking it.

*1 New Message*

?- Hello mate, love the story you wrote

Y/n- Thanks, appreciate it

?- I was wondering if I could use the story

Y/n- Uhm... for what

?- I know you won't believe me, but I'm Vince Marcello

I immediately went to google cause I had no idea who he was

Y/n- I'm not following

Vince- I know its weird someone like me is in these kind of places but you could find great stories and talent out here

Y/n- Okay...

Vince- So I was wondering if you're interested in converting your story into a movie

Y/n- I hope I dont offend you but what proof I have that you're real and this is in fact happening

Vince- How can I prove you its me?

Y/n- You work with Netflix, right?

Vince- Yes

Y/n- Tell the CM to tweet something

Vince- I can do that, what you want me to tweet

Y/n- Uhm, something like "Vince has plans for the future :)"

*5 minutes later"

Vince- Check Twitter

I checked and holy shit, there it was

Y/n- So it really is you

Vince- Yes sir, so what you say?

Y/n- I'm interested

Vimce- Great, how could we meet so we get an agreement?

Y/n- Where are your headquarters?

Vince- Cali, where are you?

Y/n- LA too, you think we could set a meeting?

Vince- Absolutely, Monday sounds good?

Y/n- What time?

Vince- 9:00 am

Y/n- Great, do I need to show proof I have a meeting so they don't kick me out?

Vince- Just give me your name so I put you on a list

I love writing fanfictions, I want to scream to the world I do them cause I believe they're good stories and deserve to be shared, but the other part of me felt ashamed of doing this, I feel like a freak sometimes, so giving him my name implied that I wouldn't remain in the anonymity.

Y/n- Y/n Y/l/n

Vince- Great, see you on Monday

Y/n- See you

Pokimane, Valkyrae, Tina, etc. / One shots X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now