That's why I came (Gumi)

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*Gumi's POV*

Gumi- ...then the man that jumped the fence was tackled in front of us...

Kevin- ...

Gumi- Kevin

Kevin- Uh?!

Gumi- Are you paying attention?

Kevin- Ye...yes

Gumi- Are you sure?

Kevin- Yeah

Gumi- Ugh

Kevin- What?

Gumi- Nothing

Kevin- Okay

Gumi- *Sigh*

Kevin- What?!

Gumi- I was telling you what happen when I met my favorite artist and you weren't paying attention

Kevin- Did it tell you the time I was in LAX one evening, in line at a Starbucks, two or three ahead of me, and I squatted down to re-tie my shoelaces...

Gumi- I think you mentioned it in our first date

Kevin- Its a good story anyways, so as I was finishing up tying my laces, I heard a man's voice behind me say "Are you ordering something?" and, assuming he was talking to me, said "Yes, just a moment, I'm just tying my shoes".

Gumi- And he wasn't talking to you

Kevin- Exactly! At which point I realized the man was talking to his wife, who was ahead of me in line.

That man ... was Michael Caine!

Gumi- Cool

Kevin- Way more than cool, it was crazy

Gumi- Yeah

Kevin- Such a great story

Gumi- Mhm

Kevin- Well, I'm leaving

Gumi- Seriously?

Kevin- Yeah, I told some friends I'll go watch the game with them

Gumi- I thought you'd be with me today

Kevin- I was with you

Gumi- Forget it, go ahead

Kevin- You sure?

Gumi- Yeah

Kevin- Good uhm... we should do this another time

Guki- Yeah sure

Kevin- Great, I'll see you later I guess

Gumi- Bye

As Kevin left I went back home with Syd and Jodi

Jodi- Hey Gumi, how was your date?

Gumi- Good, why wouldn't it be?

Jodi- Jaime

Gumi- It was fine

Syd- Are you still seeing that douche?

Gumi- He's not a douche

Syd- For what you've told us he is

Jodi- I think I'm going on Syd's side for this one

Gumi- Come on, he's not that bad

Syd- I don't get why you keep seeing him, also he hasn't pass the test

Gumi- Well cause dates are for you to know the person, and what is that test you're talking about?

Pokimane, Valkyrae, Tina, etc. / One shots X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now