The secret ocean

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"Sally... SALLY! Wake up!"

"Five more minutes..."

"wake up wake up the sun is up! oh no its almost up." 

"FINE! I'll wake up John I'll wake up." 

"I saw something pretty in the sky wanna go check it out!?" 

"Yeah I'll have to go with you mom always says"

John raced down the hall well Sally was jogging along. They both ran across the beach into their paddle boats and started paddling and paddling, until suddenly they saw a weird object floating in the middle of the sea. They go down with their googles on and they go down their to find and empty submarine. 

They went up for air because they had to get it at some point. They went in the submarine when the went in there was millions of sea creatures. They also found a journal that said Sea life study one

"OH look at that!" shouted John, "it looks so green and slimy!" 

"Quick quick lets look and see." 

"Its a bread crumb sponge. Its often found growing in large encrustations under rocky overhands, the openings of the exhalant pores or oscula of this sponge give the appearance of craters in tiny volcanic cones. The breadcrumb sponge grows from he middle shore downwards on rocks, stones and in rockpools. Under water, the sponge is often found in places where currents and wave action are strong, attaching itself to the fronds of seaweeds such as the sea oak  the shape of the sponges can be variable and may consist of connection lobes. In shallow waters it may be green as a result symbiotic algae in the tissues although it tends to be paler in deeper or shades water and in winter."

"Oh and that's a clown fish swimming around it! that's an easy one! Lets look around for other ones! Come on Sally!"
"I don't think we should do that I think we should get out of here and row our boats home. 
"why do you say that" Questions John. 

"Because there's a bull shark! Its big and powerful and aggressive too! The bull sharks pretty scary! Lets get out of here immediately"
"Lets do a fast speed race!"

"I don't think we should do that because it says in this book that if you swim calmly to shore that it would kill you but if you go splashing and wild then it will definitely eat you for supper!

"It will!?" Jon asked timidly. DUNDUNDUUUN!!!!!

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