1. Transfer

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Location: USS Vancouver, Alpha Quadrant

Date: October 4th 2380

Time: 03:45

On board the USS Vancouver, ensign Leo Jun is working on board the ship, scrubbing and cleaning up some dirt on the outside of the ship in his spacesuit. He uses his phaser to burn off some of the dirt on it and he gets a call from his current supervisor, the captain of the Vancouver.

 He uses his phaser to burn off some of the dirt on it and he gets a call from his current supervisor, the captain of the Vancouver

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USS Vancouver Captain: "Ensign Jun, you're needed at my office ASAP. Stop what you're doing and please head over."

Leo: "Copy."

He stops his work and he walks back to the airlock and goes inside it and he removes his space suit and puts on his red uniform. He gets out of the airlock and into the ship where he walks down the halls of the USS Vancouver and he arrives at the captain's office to see her at her desk typing into a pad.

 He gets out of the airlock and into the ship where he walks down the halls of the USS Vancouver and he arrives at the captain's office to see her at her desk typing into a pad

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USS Vancouver Captain: "There you are. Listen Mr Jun, I have some news for you."

Leo: "Is everything ok Captain? Did a personell of our's die? What's wrong?"

USS Vancouver Captain: "You're getting transfered."

Leo: "Wait what? Why?"

USS Vancouver Captain: "You're getting transfered to the USS Cerritos, they need some more crew members and their captain asked if I can send someone so I'm thinking if you could maybe get transfered, it will help them a lot."

Leo: "Oh, I see. But um, who will replace me?"

USS Vancouver Captain: "Don't worry, some new experienced ensigns are on their way as we speak. Head over to the shuttle ASAP and you'll be transfered to the Cerritos where you'll meet Samanthan Rutherford, one of the crew members who will serve as your orientation liaison. Godspeed, Jun. We'll miss you."

Leo nods and he smiles and replies to the captain.

Leo: "I'll miss you too, Captain. I'll see you soon."

He leaves her office and he walks down the halls and heads over to his quarters to pack up his things into a duffle bag and he leaves with his belongings now all packed up. He heads down to the shuttle station and he boards a shuttle which has some more members getting transfered and he takes one last look at the USS Vancouver's shuttle dock and it proceeds to fly out of it and he looks at the ship one last time.

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