Poem 16

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The sun looks mesmerising
with the rays gently warming my skin ,
Causing my cheeks to turn light red.
The wind benevolently ripples through
My clothes and hair.
It's a warm ,welcoming breeze.
The sky as blue as the ocean,
The clouds so white and fluffy.
Birds flocking together and humming a lovely tune.
The flowers have blossomed,
Oh my! They look pulchritudinous.
And the roses smell ambroisal.
The grass , a lovely shade of light green
Portraying the start of spring.
Soft under one's footsteps.
My arms out wide as I embrace nature.
My heart no longer holds hatred
But love.
No more tears.
No more sad songs.
I'm finally verbliberate.
Free , from my demons
That have kept me captive for years .

Excuse me for the late update been extremely busy with school. Hope yall enjoy the poem💙.

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