Chapter 10: Barrels

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There often is a dark secret in books... There is often a gathering sense of dread; there's a gap sometimes in the text from which all kinds of monsters can emerge.

Anne Enright


Lily rolled over onto her other side; moving her hands across the sheets to find Sarah to cuddle with her. But she felt nothing; she wasn’t there all was just cold sheets.

It frightened her, she opened her eyes and she shot up straight in bed covering her naked body with the sheets.

“Sarah?” She called out; but there was no response.

Sarah drove herself using Lily’s car to Santa, Clarita

She finally arrived at the suburb. She parked her car in lined with the other cars parked on the streets.
She noticed that there were 6 men going in and out of one of the houses.

She took her binoculars out. She looks through it in and saw one of the men were Nick, and along with him was 2 another high profile criminals, Stanislav Novikov and Oscar Gomez.

“What does these guys up to?” she muttered to herself; as she spied on them having illegal transactions of drugs and firearms. After the transaction Novikov and Gomez left, leaving Nunez with a 2 suitcase of money

What’s next was that a gang member of Nunez came with a woman around Sarah’s age; dragging her across the street as the neighbourhood was a sleep; the girl had a cloth wrapped around her mouth, making her unable to call for help. Sarah wanted to help her but again, she held back.

She waited for about 20 minutes; she almost fell asleep when she noticed that the guys were loading a drum on a pick-up truck, and quickly drove away as Nunez commanded them.


The brunette waited for Nunez to go back into the house before she followed the pick-up, she thinks she knew where they’re going at the lake she decided to go to the opposite side to avoid getting caught.

She spied on them hiding herself in the bushes; she saw them dumped the drum in the lake, and quickly leave.

Sarah made sure that they totally left before she drove to the other side and pulled the drum out. Revealing the woman, who was badly beaten up, mud was all around her, hands and feet tied together. Sarah pulled her out of the drum and cut the ropes with a utility knife she always have in her pocket, the woman collapsed on the ground, quickly carried her to car. She couldn’t think straight, panicking at that moment, and then she thought of her best friend Zachary.

“Hang in there” she said nervously to the woman on the backseat.


Zachary woke up because of the loud knocks on his door. He looked at the clock and saw it was 1:25am

He jumped out of the bed furious; he opened the door and saw Sarah carrying a brown haired woman, what’s worse is that the woman seemed to be badly beaten up. Zachary then assisted Sarah to his guest room; they laid the woman on the bed; as Zachary quickly get some warm water with towel, clothes and some medicines.

“Sarah!? Where did you find her?” Zachary inquired as he divests the woman’s bloody wet clothes, and wiped the wounds and bruises with the towel.

“I found her in the lake; inside the drum, I thought it was strange so I checked it out and I saw her all tied up” Sarah said calmly she seasoned the truth with lies, Sarah helped Zachary clean the woman’s wounds; and then after she put some clothes on the woman.

“Hey Zac, can I ask some favour?” the brunette looked deep into her best friend’s eyes.

“I know what you are going to say, and yeah sure. I’ll take care of her; shooting was done yesterday so I can hang around with you guys and take care of her.” Zachary said.

“THANK YOU!” Sarah hugged Zachary and kissed his cheek.

“Anything for my bestie” he said gleefully.

“Well, I have to go now still have work tomorrow. I’ll visit the two of you tomorrow Zac! See ya.”

Sarah went home; to Lily’s apartment, she was tired she felt like she’s dragging her feet.

“Finally.” she mumbled as she put the apartment key on the key hole and twist it, unlocking the door.

Lily woke up from her nap as heard the door twitch; she was waiting for Sarah in the living room.

When Sarah entered the apartment; Lily turned on the lampshade beside her as she was sitting on the couch facing the door.

“Lily?” Sarah said in a barely audible voice, she was shocked. She then closed the door gently and locked it.

“Where’ve you been, Why did you leave me?” The blonde inquired; Sarah could tell she was angry.

Sarah moved closer to Lily; the blonde then spotted the brunette’s shirt had blood and mud on it.

“What’s that?” Lily pointed at her shirt

Sarah looked down; and let out a sigh as she kneeled in front of her and buried her face in the blonde’s lap.

“I’m sorry.” The brunette could not think of excuses; she was tired.

Lily took a deep breath as she stroke Sarah’s hair and hugged her.

“It’s okay… let’s just talk about this tomorrow for now let’s get you changed okay?” Sarah looked up straight into Lily’s icy blue eyes and nods.

The two women went back to their bed room; Lily lay on the bed as Sarah changed her clothes, back to her pyjamas; then after Sarah lay next to her and wrapped her arms around the blonde; the blonde reciprocated and buried her face on Sarah’s chest.

Lily was fast asleep, all she wanted for that night was Sarah; that’s why she was worried when she wasn’t by her side at the middle of the night; she was scared that she’d leave her. Sarah on the other hand was lost in her deep thoughts.

“Will I tell her the truth tomorrow? What if she won’t accept me? What if she’d be disgusted or probably hate me for life?” the brunette sighed and kissed her partner’s hair she relaxes herself and slowly felt her consciousness fading away.


A/N: Should She TELL her? :D

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