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The hogwarts express came to a halt. I didn't want to get up. I decided to stay five more minutes. I quickly fell back asleep. I heard a grunt. I opened my eyes quickly. Fuck. I fell asleep. The express was completely empty. Exept, not quite. Someone was here. Someone close by. Very close. In fact, so close i could feel their skin against mine. i looked to my left and saw mattheo. shit. He also fell asleep. His hair covering his face. We were the only ones left in the train. I didn't dare to move.

Why not? i could've just thrown him off me, but for some reason, i didn't want to. We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. Finally i hard footsteps approaching. Miss mcgonagall caught us.

« Miss Lestrange and mister Riddle. The last carriage is waiting for you. please make your way out of the express. »

Mattheo woke up fairly quickly. Stretched his arms out and yawned.

« you really passed out huh »

« yeah so did you, not a pretty sight »

« fuck you riddle »

« im not complaining if you're into that » he smirked. What an idiot.

I roll my eyes and pick up my back pack from the compartment above us. I take mattheos and throw it at him. He grunts slightly due to the impact of the backpack landing on his face and mumbles « thank you » i make my way out of the train, Mattheo close by. I wonder what time it is. I check my phone. It's around 7:30 ish.

We make our way inside the castle. Seeing nervous and anxious first years running around. We walk down the steps to the common room and open the door.

« well well well look who's here »

« shut up guys, i'm not in the mood to chat »

« you and riddle? snogging? didn't think you were capable » Pansy smirked at mattheo

« guys we didn't even- you know what fuck you i don't care im going to my room you guys are a bunch of idiot twats. » I huffed.
I could hear the girly giggles escaping enzo and theos mouths. Fuckers.

I make my way to my dorm and lie down on my bed with a loud sigh. This day was really a rollercoaster. And what happened in the train with mattheo? i don't even know. I get up reluctantly and fix my hair a little bit. I sit down on the edge of my bed and do nothing. I hear a knock on the door. Must be pansy. I check the time and see it's 8:30 pm. Dinner. She nods at me and i get up and grab my robe and make my way downstairs to the common room where enzo and mattheo are both waiting on the couch. Mattheo gives me a look and i stare back at him but break eye contact quickly.
We all make our way upstairs to the great hall. A lot of people are already there, some already in their pyjamas but most still in their school attire. I see a few friends across tables and i take a seat next to theo. I spot my best friend Rania on the hufflepuff table. I give her a small wave and she waves back. She was sitting next to her friends Willa and aimee. Both hufflepuffs. She seemed distracted so i didn't prolong the interaction much longer.
After a few moments, draco and pansy both entered the great hall and draco took a seat next to me. We chatted amongst us for about 15 minutes until we heard dumbledore make an announcement. (too lazy to write everything he says) the whole hall came to a halt. He began explaining the castle basics and began the sorting ceremony. After that, the feast started and i realised how starving i was. The first day feasts are always the best.

After eating and chatting for about 2 hours, all the first years went to bed and the 4th to 6th years always stay up later. Ranias friends Aimee and willa never stay longer than anyone else, so she usually joins us afterwards. But, i saw her on the ravenclaw table chatting with Cho chang and andrew westfield. I knew that she knew who Cho was, but not andrew. weird. anyways me and draco both made our way to the common room. Once we arrived, i said goodnight to him and he made his way to his room and so did i.
after a few minutes of scrolling through tiktok, i decided to get ready and
i put on a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt. I brush my teeth really fast and shut the lights. I grab my phone and a lie down on my bed.

« Let's see what the rest of the world is up to » i tell myself.

After about thirty minutes i get bored. I only went on my phone for about ten minutes when i decided i didn't feel like it. I opened my big green curtains that showed a big window. I loved being in the dungeons. Since the dorms weren't underwater, we could see the castle from just on top of the water level. It was super cool. I wondered what my mom was up to.

After a few, i grabbed my backpack and put my school essentials in my bag. I set it next to my bed and put all my stuff away on my desk. I went back to my bed and lied down on top of it. I just scrolled through tiktok for what felt like seconds which was actually a few hours. It was getting late so i decided to get some sleep. After all, it is the first day tomorrow.

The little fucker- Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now