11: Stagnant Silence

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Third Person P.O.V

Once in sight, Sky takes less than no time to get to his sister's side and curtly dismiss the crowd of teens surrounding her as his protective instincts kick in. Now left with just Amara and his start-student—Axton—he grabs his gym bag and motions towards the exit.

"What was that about?" Amara asks Sky, sporting a look of confusion.

"What was what about?" He directs it back at her nonchalantly.

"The way you dismissed them so rudely," she says in clarification, while Axton walks beside them as a silent spectator.

Sky shrugs, "practices were over they shouldn't be loitering around the premises," he justifies.

"They weren't loitering around, they were just introducing themselves," she defends with a glimmer of suspicion in her eyes.

"You shouldn't be talking to them in the first place." His curt remark takes both teens by awkward surprise from which it takes them a moment to recover.

"You had no problem with me talking to Axton," she points out.

"Hey, keep me out of this." Axton is quick to add, wanting to have no part in this argument which is clearly a sibling thing.

"You're already in it, so hush," she admonishes, craning her neck to face him in a swift motion before getting back to the argument with her brother. "And what's with your sudden mood change?" She adds as an afterthought, receiving nothing but silence and an increase in his pace making it hard for her to keep up with him.

As the car comes into view, Sky wordlessly delves into his pocket retrieving his keys, and unlocks the car just as they reach it. Still stuck in stagnant silence Amara rummages through her thoughts for a conversation starter to end this nerve-wracking silence but finds none that aren't related to the previous topic which Sky clearly doesn't want to talk about.

And so, the silence prolongs as neither one of the three make any attempts to initiate another conversation, right up till they make it to Axton's front gate where soundlessly sighing in relief—grateful to be able to get away from the siblings and their quarrel—he ambles towards and past the huge gates guarding his property.

A few more minutes this silence and they are rolling into their driveway where Amara wastes not even a second to jump out of the car even before it can come to a complete halt earing stern look from Sky through the window.

"After another fifteen minutes meet me in the lair," Sky says raising his voice to reach her as she is already past the front door by the time, he exits the car.

She doesn't bother to respond, her mind preoccupied with a thousand—if not more—thoughts floating through her mind wanting a cure to her curiosity. Just as she's ascending the last couple of stairs, she realizes that the mental image she had of the caller's phone number is now distorted in her memory leaving her with barely any recallable digits to go by.

'I know the number is from HSM, but how am I going to find out which exact extension it belongs to without the precise digits' She wonders, making her way towards her room only to bump into her very own version of the wicked-old step-mother.

"Get away from me filthy being!" She sneers, directing her dreadful tone towards the sixteen-year-old who on instinct grabbed ahold of her arm to prevent herself from falling down when they collided.

Immediately scurrying away, putting a minimum distance of three feet between them, she calms her racing heart that started to beat at an inhuman pace that's triggered by her high tone.

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