t r a i n r i d e

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"Draco, Aurora, you are too keep quiet about Lord Vol- He who shall not be named." Lucius tells the pair with a soft voice which is always oddly threatening. Draco shifts uncomfortably.

"Aurora your new broom is already arrived with Severus-" Draco opens his mouth to interrupt but Lucius continued anyway, "And yes Draco, you will be joining the team this year. I will make sure, now hurry along. We will be late."

"Yes father." Aurora and Draco chorus and follow their dad into the next room where the port key stays.

"On the count of three,




Everything starts spinning and Aurora starts feeling nauseous but doesn't complain.

A few more seconds go by and the three (Lucius, Draco and Aurora) land at Platform 9:3/4 where all their things and Narcissa are.

"Have a good year both, I will miss you." Narcissa smiles.

"We will miss you too, mother." Aurora smiles and half hugs her mum, Draco on the other hand gives his mum a big hug and waves her off.

"Draco go away now, i'm going to my friends." Aurora dismisses the boy and swiftly walks away.

"But i don't know where my friends are." Draco pouts.

"I don't care. Leave me be." Aurora laughs and enters the compartment which her friends are sitting, she slams the door and sits next to Alya.

"Hey, how was your summer?" Alya asks, Aurora didn't even need to respond to give an answer.

"Shit then." Lucille grins.

Adrian Pucey enters with Marcus Flint.

"Hello ladies, and Malfoy." He greets the group whole heartedly and then he greets Aurora like dirt.

"Hello Marcus."Aurora snaps back.

"Er, Alya, you still dating that gryffindor guy?" Lucille changes the subject.

"I am, he's wonderful!" Alya replies, her eyes have lit up with the thought of him. No one in the group actually knows who it is though.

"Excited for quidditch this year?" Marcus grins, Marcus is the captain and we used to have a winning streak until Harry Potter became Gryffindor seeker. Sometimes we win but with my little brother being chosen as seeker my hopes are not raised.

I play beater, it relieves the stress of things.

"Yes, got your plan ready, Marcus?" Adrian asks him, he reaches for a drink and he catches the eye of Aurora. He smirks while drinks the drink while looking directly at Aurora.

Aurora looks away quickly and distracts herself by complimenting Alyas bracelet.

"Oh that's lovely! Where's you get it?" She exclaims.

"Oh er- ask my mum I got it for my birthday." Alya responds.

"So, Adrian you found a girl yet?" Marcus asks casually.

"Nah, not been interested in it." Adrian responds stiffly. He's right. He's never had a girlfriend in his years which seems unlikely but it's true.

"I'm sure Aurora can help with that." Lucille grins. Aurora glares at her and then gives Adrian a dirty look.

"No I most certainly can't!" Aurora snaps. Adrian chuckles at her which infuriates her even more.

"It's not funny." She sighs dramatically. "I would rather poke my eyes out with a fork and eat it than date him." She states.

The group apart from Adrian roll their eyes.
Adrian looks angry, "Well I would rather snog Snape than date you." He jeers.

"Hey! That's my dad!" Lucille makes a vomiting sound and the rest of the group laugh.

"Yes Snape is ever so appealing." Alya snorts. Lucille playfully slaps her.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The trolley lady asks as she pushes the heavy sweet cart forward.

"Two Pumpkin pasties please!" Aurora pipes up, she hands the lady the money and retrieves the pastries.

"I swear you get that very order every single time we've been on this train." Marcus laughs.

"She has. She's very loyal to her order." Lucille adds.

"So what?" It's lush!" Aurora scoffs and takes another bite.

"Why do you eat like that?" Adrian comments, he makes sure to emphasise the that Aurora tried not to care but this made her quite insecure.

"Shove off Pucey." She snaps back with confidence but she chucked it to the side all the same.

No one but Adrian noticed her throw it to the side because everyone was in their own little conversations.

"Not my fault you eat like a pig, it was grossing me out." Adrian responds harshly.

Aurora could feel a lump forming at the back of her throat and her eyes pricking.

She was used to this because her dad likes to remind her to maintain a certain body type but it felt worse when it came from someone from her friend group.

"Who eats like a pig?" Marcus asks, he heard the last snippet of the conversation and was intrigued.

"Aurora." Adrian replies.

Aurora stands up to leave, "I need the bathroom." She tells the group, without a second thought she walks out and chucks her two unfinished pasties in the bin.

"Why'd you say that for?" Lucille asks angrily, she and Alya knows about her insecurities.

"I'm being truthful." Adrian responds nonchalantly and he shrugs his shoulders.

"You're being a knob." Lucille corrects him.

"Yea whatever."

Meanwhile, Aurora was in the bathroom. She wasn't crying as such - she hadn't cried in years. She was more of collecting herself. Taking deep breaths and shoving her feelings deep down.

After five minutes Aurora sets back but accidentally bumps into Adrian.

He peers down to her, Aurora herself is quite tall being 5'6 but Adrian's 5'11 didnt compare.

He stares at her and wipes the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

"There was a crumb." He explains.

Aurora gives him a dirty look and shoved past him.

"Leave me be Pucey! I mean it!"

And she really did mean it!


a/n : this book doenst necessarily follow exactly the books/movies plots but i will occasionally flip back to it and make it fit

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