Advanced love marriage..

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Z: The natural mediators have intelligence, optimism, and dynamism. Everyone loves their compassionate nature. Opportunism, stubbornness, nervousness, a love for comfort & impulsiveness are their negatives.

why its so accurate💀💀 my names starts from Z....anyone else🥴🥴

A normal morning......yup completely normal but for a couple who has to look after a baby trapped in a 23 old body is not normal......Kim taehyung .... a boy that is very punctual for his work...and of course very strict towards his work...his parents and friends say, i quote...'he took the phrase work is worship too seriously...' and no...he is not some C.E.O....this time the work is more stress full than that ...

Kim taehyung is that personality that you will find at every front magzine or newspaper page.....but would meet or see in videos very rare...yeah even he can't be captured in videos that much....

he is that beauty freak..well thats what people call him becoz of his knowledge and ofcourse ethereal features....

he is a doctor that has knowledge in almost every field of medical science.........also a scientist that is famous for his many researches in medical...people says he has magic in his hands that can cure people.....of course with medicines.....

but right now his parents are running after him to feed him...why? becoz he is running towards the door saying he will be late without having his breakfast...

"kim taehyung one foot out of the door and i will set your fucking books on my fry pan frying them then feeding it to you with black and blue inks!!!" he seemed like he was a foot out hanging in air...

"eomma you cant do that!!!" his whinings never worked infront of his eomma...even his dad knows that so he just laughed at his son's poor situation....

"sit down!" tae just sat like a kicked puppy...and again his parents think how can this kicked baby puppy act all serious and mature out there with peoples or while performing those big risky operations....

soon his food was over as tae just gulped all his soup in one go making him a little choke and his parents worry....

"bye eomma bye appa!!!" 

his parents just sighed...its every day routine....

*you are the coz of my euphori-*

"hello jiyuniee!!!" mr kim just sighed knowing these two best friends gonna talk for hours so he went to get ready for his work...

"yaa jiyuniee you know tae right....he doesn't even eat properly!! and those dickheads always dare to call him in fucking mid-night!!! my poor baby can't even sleep completely....and my idiot of a son is like married to his job and medical science......" the number of time she rolled her eye was hard to count...

"i can understand you tihyu....i own a bunny for like...25 yrs....that hops so much some times i think he might hop to moon!!"  tihyu can sense the sarcasm in her voice making her laugh....

Jeon jungkook..the bunny we are talking about here...the international playboy well he called himself that on national tv not knowing what it actually means....since then he is named as that...well he is top level simple words an idol....who obviously over works himself....

"ohh jiyuniee i think we should do it.."

"hmm lets see...."


"congrats Doc. kim" one of taehyungs collegues said patting his back...

"thanks jin hyung..." he muttered going in his cabin to take his coat off and bags as his shift was over and mother called him home early...

Advanced love marriage. ||taekook||oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now